Chapter 3 "The Doc is Out"

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There was nothing like a refreshing workout after an energizing breakfast to prepare Hawkodile for the day. The next morning, the royal bodyguard was in his treehouse, hurling his fists away at a large punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

Hawkodile's bodyguard work was often fairly minimal since the only guy regularly threatening the castle's safety was Master Frown, and maybe a rampaging monster on "special" occasions. No one in Unikingdom had intentions of targeting an attack on Unikitty or her friends, but regardless, Hawkodile believed he could never be too prepared.

He could hear the moving water of the castle moat below as he threw each fist at his punching bag. The warm sun beamed down from one small, circular window, giving light to the treehouse. Hawkodile's focus was completely fixed on his training workout. Needless to say, he was certainly caught off guard when a sobbing cry of distress arose from down below outside.

"Whoa, what was that?!" asked Hawkodile in alarm, stopping his arm right before it smacked into the punching bag. "There better not be something or someone who needs a knuckle sandwich for breakfast!"

"HAWKODILE!" cried the two royal siblings simultaneously. Before Hawkodile could leap down from his treehouse to investigate, Unikitty popped up at the doorway; her fur swept in blue with a stream of tears rushing down her face. Close behind her, Puppycorn was also swelling with tears, clearly distressed.

"Are you guys okay?!" asked Hawkodile with great concern, rushing over to them. "Did someone die?!"

"No H.D, but it's terrible!" sobbed Unikitty, falling dramatically at his feet. "Dr. Fox is gone!"

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Hawkodile in alarm with a squawk, smacking both of his hands on each side of his head in disbelief. "She said she'd be back by sundown yesterday!"

"We looked everywhere, but we couldn't find her!" wailed Puppycorn, tears rolling down his face. "The kitchen, the lab, behind the picture frames, the bathroom, the garden, the trashcans, even in some random houses!"

"Wait, isn't trespassing on private property kinda illegal or something?" asked Hawkodile, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sure, but I think you need, what was it, a... warrant?"

"Well, I tried looking for a war ant, but I guess they're not too angry at each other right now," shrugged Puppycorn, briefly carefree and happy once again. "It's no biggie, I don't like seeing ants fight anyway."

"Besides, I told each occupant it was an emergency before I broke down their door!" assured Unikitty.

"What?! Nevermind, forget it," facepalmed Hawkodile with a groan. "We've gotta find Dr. Fox!"

"What if she's still in Action Forest?" suggested Unikitty. "She could be in serious danger!"

"Good idea, that's where she said she was going," agreed Hawkodile. "I've gotta leave as soon as possible!"

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" declared Unikitty.

"Hold on guys," interrupted Hawkodile, grasping Unikitty's tail before she flew out, "look, I don't wanna sound rude here but, I know Action Forest better than anyone, and you two aren't exactly good at... defending yourselves."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" asked Puppycorn, baffled and somewhat offended. "We're strong like you are, Hawk!"

Puppycorn attempted to imitate some bizarre fighting moves he saw on TV to prove his point. Unfortunately, he tripped on a floorboard and fell. Seeing this wasn't very reassuring for Hawkodile.

"I guess Unikitty will probably be fine," Hawkodile rubbed his chin while recalling his memories of Unikitty's previous fire fits, "but I don't know if it's safe for you, champ."

"Hawkodile's got a point lil' bro," admitted Unikitty, "things got pretty intense the last time we all went to Action Forest, maybe you could stay home and, I dunno, hang out with Rick?"

"Aw man!" whined Puppycorn, "But I really wanna go! Dr. Fox is my friend too! Can't I just follow you guys? I promise I won't slow you down!"

Hawkodile and Unikitty exchanged looks, uncertain of whether to bring him along. Hawkodile just shrugged, not having another objection that would excuse Puppycorn.

"Um, I guess?" answered Hawkodile, still unsure.

"YAY!" cried Puppycorn, giggling with glee as sparkle matter shot from his head. "Don't worry, I still remember all of Hawkodile's training, I'll kick danger's butt!"

"Uh, that training was pointless, remember?" reminded Unikitty. "He accidentally taught us to do stunts, not actually fight."

"Oh right," remembered Puppycorn. "Those were pretty fun though."

"Yeah, they were!" agreed Unikitty happily.

"Alright you two, let's grab our fists and go," said Hawkodile in a serious tone. "We've gotta be ready to engage in a super rad fighting match if the need arises."

"Or give a hug," added Unikitty cheerfully. "There's a time for punches and there's a time for hugs, remember that!"

"Yeah sure, that too I guess," shrugged Hawkodile. "Anyway, LET'S GO!"

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