Chapter 2

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Ladybug POV
I see Adrien get up and go into the bathroom and come out with a medical
Kit. "Huh? What are you doing?" I ask. I almost think he's gonna try to help me.
"I'm gonna fix your wound. You will be ok soon." Holy crap he really is gonna help me! But why? He grabs my arm and wraps a bandage around it. "There you go." I look at him surprised. "Why..... Why help me?...." I ask. "Because, no matter who you are, a superhero or criminal, your still Yourself. And I like it when your being yourself.."
I blush a bit. Oh Adrien..... if only you knew what made me this way... "Oh my god are you ok?" Wait what? "H-huh?"
He cups my cheek which makes me blush. "Your crying.." I am? I feel my cheek only for it to be wet and more tears are falling. "Oh... I'm sorry.. it's just been a while since anyone has cared about me..." I look up at Adrien and he looks shocked. I look away until I feel arms around me. He's.....hugging me....
"W-what are you...." he hugs me tighter. "I don't know what led you to be this way but it doesn't matter... your gonna be ok..." that's all it took for me. I started to break down. And he just embraced me. I haven't felt this way for a while.
"Hey... do you think you can tell me why you became a criminal?" I freeze up. "No.. sorry Adrien... just not now.. but one day.....and Uhm.... Adrien... would it be ok if I visited you every night?...I know it's a no just hear me just make me feel happy again... and I don't want be be alone again.... please?....I...I'm messed up..." Adrien lifts my chin. "Of course you can... I still trust you...and I'll help you anyway I can..." I hug him. "Thank you Adrien..." we hug for a while.
"Well I should go Adrien... see you tomorrow night?..." I ask. "Of course..." he says. I wink at him as I look and see the police. "Well that's my cue!" I jump off. I run across the streets, the police chasing me. I outrun them again. I go to my new home. An abandoned building. It was due for demolition but they never did so it's my new home.
I sit in my bed which I bought. I detransform. "Marinette...." I hear Tikki say. "Tikki.. look I can't go back.." I hear Tikki sigh. The next day comes and I wake up late. I transform and I make my way to the criminal hang out.
"Well if it isn't The badBug! Welcome back!" I roll my eyes. "Whatever where's Torik.." I ask. These boys piss me off.
"In the back.. drunk. As always.." of course. I make my way towards the back. "Torik.. what is the next good target?" I ask him. "The Jewelry store next to the mayors hotel..." I nod. "Oh and have you ever thought about hooking up with one of us? You would be a prize for any of us... eh? What'd ya say?" I growl. I grab him by his collar and push him against the wall. "For the last time... I'm. not. interested. Get that inside your head before I tear it off..."
I let him go and I walk out, all the boys stare at me. "I wouldn't stare if I were you..unless you want to end up all with black eyes that is.." I walk out and they all cheer. Boys.... dominance is like currency to them, which makes me a millionaire so I'm pretty much one of the best criminals. And they 'love' me for that.. I jump across the roofs and see the jewelry store. Then I see more criminals. Great. Not. This is MY heist..they better go for a different target.. If not, someone's going to jail and it's not me. I get closer only to hear the alarm go off. Idiots... as they run out I knock them out and I grab their money. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I smirk at them then look back at the money. I see the police show up. "Welp there's my cue! See ya!" I jump off and the police are shooting at me. Of course they all miss.
I run through the streets. I look to the sides of me and more criminals show up. Ugh. This money is mine!
I outrun them which causes them to get caught by the police. I run and hide. The news team shows up and films the criminals. "Ugh! We will get you for this Ladybug! When we get out we will kill you!!!" I hear the criminals yell. Great... more enemies. Turns out the news crew filmed him saying that. But I don't care. I drop off the money at my house and leap off.

Adrien POV
"Class it turns out another robbery was committed at a nearby jewelry store by a bunch of criminals but of course.. Ladybug got the money." I sigh. There she goes again... Someone has to stop her and that someone is me.
And no I'm not turning her in. I'm gonna try to get her to stop. I hear Alya whisper at me. "Psst did you know that Ladybug now has 38 enemies? All the criminals that were involved in the heist got arrested thanks to her." 38?! Ladybug what have you been doing?!

That Night.
I hear Footsteps enter my room. I turn around and see Ladybug. "Hey.." She says. "Ladybug why do you have so many enemies?" I ask her, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I..I guess it's because if they interfere with my plans which usually involves the police, I make sure they get caught instead of me. Since the less criminals the less competition." She says. I guess that's reasonable. "So... wanna talk about your past tonight?" She looks away. "Not tonight sorry..." I grab her hand and kiss it. "That's can tell me when you are ready.." I look up at her and she's blushing. "Thanks Adrien.."
I smile at her. "Hey do you think you can answer a question for me?"
I ask. "Huh? Oh sure what's up?"
I sigh. "Do you know Marinette Dupein cheng? She went missing 2 1/2 years ago. And everyone thinks you have her."
I ask.
"Marinette? Nope, never heard of her. Sorry. And I may be a criminal but I wouldn't go so low to kidnap someone who I don't know. And honestly I'm quite offended." She says. Phew... I knew she didn't.. "That's a relief, now that I know the truth about you it will make everyone see you are no kidnapper." She laughs a bit. "What's so funny?" I ask. "Pfft, it's Nothing.. it's just that you immediately relaxed when I said I didn't. You were so stiff before and then snap! Relaxed! That really must have been a relief." She giggles.
"Heyyyy i was nervous!" That just made her crack up more. I give her a pouty face which makes her laugh more. Then I start to laugh and we both laugh. We both fall on our backs on the bed next to each other.
She relaxes and looks at me. She turns on her side towards me. I do the same but towards her. Out of nowhere she kisses my nose and giggles. "W-wha???" She laughs. "Oh come on now Adrien~ don't act so surprised~ it was just a kiss~." Is she..flirting? She then smirks at me. "Unless, you want more~." I blush hard. She notices and giggles. "I was kidding Adrien! Your reaction was priceless!" Seriously... I playfully glare at her. "It's not funny..."
I say. I turn myself the opposite way
From her on the bed. "Oh, don't be like that." I hear her say. Suddenly I feel arms around my waist and a head on my lower back. She nuzzles her head on my back which send a shiver up my spine. I look at her and she falls asleep.
Cute.. I turn around on my back so her body is turned sideways leaning on my body while her arms are wrapped around my chest and her legs are intertwined with mine. Criminal or not, this feels right.

In Love with a Criminal *Ladrien Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now