Chapter 10

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You turn around and meet the eyes of King Vegeta's first son, Prince Victor.

Prince Victor: Seems like your not happy to see me low-class.

Y/n: Middle.

Prince Victor: Doesn't it look like I care.

Y/n: Yes.

Prince Victor: Hmph, real comedian aren't you.

Y/n: Yeah whatever.

You turn your back and the group starts to walk away.

Prince Victor: Hey don't you dare turn your back on me you low-level scum.

You stop for a bit.

Y/n: Just did.

Prince Victor: I see, acting all high and mighty with your battle power of nine hundred million, buts nowhere near the top of the tree you hear. Real fighters like my brother and I are up there in the billions, two billion.

To be specific, 2,000,000,000 and I, at an outstanding 2,500,000,000. You may be happy with your strength but remember, your just the chip in the cookie. An utter waste of saiyan bloo-

Y/n: I honestly don't care about what you say. You can brag all you want but your not as strong as you think.

You now face to face.

Prince Victor: You saying you can beat me in a fight.

Y/n: I don't see why that's not a possibility.

Prince Victor: You know what, I'll enter this little competition. But once I beat you, remember, I won't hesitate to end your life.

Y/n: Me neither.

Prince Victor: Hmph. You judge, put me into Round One... Now!

Judge: As you wish my prince.

Prince Victor: Settled.

Y/n: I can't wait.

The two of you separate as you take a few steps back to your group, while Victor heads over to the Palace. Everyone else, in shock of what just happened.

Random Saiyan: Hey kid you just dug your own grave.

Y/n: Nah, the way I see it, it's the complete opposite.

With that comment, everyone is left trembling from your confidence. After that Skip is tested but at this point, the judge is just telling you if your in or out.

Skip: What did you just do?

Y/n: I did what was needed.

Kore: What do yo-

Kore was interrupted by Amina, Liz, and May who came over quickly.

May: You got some bravery but what the hell were you thinking.

Y/n: Once again, I did what was needed.

Amina: You sure you can beat the prince? I know your strong but this is too much.

You were silent for a couple of seconds.

Y/n: Strength isn't the winning factor here, its skill.

Amina: Well hope your right, or else your a goner.

Y/n: Yeah Yeah.

Kore: Hey how come you two aren't surprised. Sage, Neros.

Taz: Do you think he has a chance.

Sage/Neros: Yeah, he has a chance.

Liz: Just in case things go bad, and they might. Here.

Y/n: Senzu beans.

Liz: Yep.

Y/n: Thanks, but I don't think I'll need them.

After that long talk about the chances of you beating Prince Victor, half an hour passes and it's time for the battle royal. You watch from the fighters wait room, looking to see how Amina and Liz hold up.

Ring Announcer: Now, the rules are simple. Fighters who hit the outside area beside the ring are out. Now start in 3... 2... and... 1, GO!

Everyone charges at each other making explosions that are coming all around from collisions or so. Right off the bat, ten people are eliminated making the amount forty. After a couple of minutes, no one is able to find a direct opponent, as everyone is just attacking each other without using any strategy. Throughout this Amina, Liz, and May aren't to be found, but you know they're still in since there's a big screen with all fighters.

The ones that are in are glowing yellow, and the ones that are out were gray. Amina's, Liz's, and May's were still bright, the best explanation is that Liz had used an invention that renders them invisibility.

Besides that, you could see Taz struggling but he was holding his own.

Random Fighter: Solar-Flare!

Crowd: AAH!

Neros: What was that. I can't see.

Sage: It seems like he's able to blind everyone when he positions his hands and says "solar-flare".

Y/n: That sure is useful.

About a minute later it finally wore off, and another nine fighters were eliminated. It seemed like he was struggling with the tenth, but you recognized the tenth. It was Taz.
They were right on the edge, the fighter trying to fly Taz off the ring. Taz was fighting to get free, he was hitting and kicking. He was gonna get eliminated but he luckily flipped upside down and then kicked the guy away.

Taz: I ain't going out yet.

Kore: Huh, he did, he knocked the guy out.

Y/n: He didn't use strength, but skill.

Skip: Hmph. Almost there, just two more fighters.

Just as Taz was going to get up, two elites went up to him.

Saiyan Elite #1: Wow good job... for a pathetic loser.

Saiyan Elite #2: You may have survived Toro, but this is where you meet your demise.

Taz: Tch, dammit. I'm in deep trouble.

Neros: I think we spoke too soon.

Liz: Suprise!


There was a big explosion out of nowhere, and the elites flew out of the arena. The explosion probably sending them all the way to a different solar system.

Liz: You're welcome.

Taz: Thanks.

Ring Announcer: And that's it! The Twenty-Two out! We have our Twenty-Eight to start the Tournament!

Y/n: He did it... they did it.

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