Chapter 7

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I awoke the next morning to the sensation of my body hitting the floor. Finding my footing, I realized the now-familiar slight swaying of the hull in the wind had stopped. Maneuvering around the hordes of crewmen asleep in every nook cranny and floorspace, I made my way topdeck. There I found Abigail and Captain August talking to a girl with short, shoulder-length hair who was obviously jacked and wearing men's clothes.

Abigail sensed my approach, and turned to face me. "Ah! Good, you're awake!" she said, turning, "Alex, this is Samathana-"

"Just Sam will do." the girl butted in.

"-this is Sam Rhodes. She is our contact in Berck-" Abigail tried to continue, "and the best damn ship builder this side of the Atlantic," Sam finished for her.

"Would you stop interrupting me?" hissed Abigail. Sam ignored her.

"My name, like the ghost was saying, is Sam Rhodes. I'm the best shipbuilder on either side of the Atlantic, and Captain August here trust me alone to oversee repairs on the Abigail to maintain both the integrity of the ship and make sure it survives going back and forth between air and sea. It's was a fascinating problem which I originally dropped all my other commissions to complete..." Sam trailed off mid sentence and spun around to face Abigail, acknowledging the spirit's presence for the first time. "Wait. Did you say Alex? As in the Alex you mentioned earlier?" Seeing Abigail's smirk and nod, Sam spun back around to face me. "Okay so I have like a billion questions! Alright so first how did you discover you had abilities? We're they a result of testing? Are you from the future like Abigail and I? What's your star sign?"

"Um...," I replied, "I don't... Do many people know their star sign?"

"Well when's your birthday?" Sam retorted. "Uhh, November 13th, I think," I replied, completely confused.

"Well first of all, that's Sagittarius. And second of all, what do you mean, you think?" said Sam, "Do you not remember the main time?"

"Uhh yeah not really," I replied, "Only a few sporadic details. And to answer your question from earlier, I found out I could create fire after I tried to steal some bread a few days ago, and I got the shit beat out of me. I was um...," I looked around to see if anyone was nearby. It was only Captain August, Abigail, Sam Rhodes and myself on deck. Everyone else was either asleep down below or up above in the rigging, out of earshot. Lowering my voice, I continued "...I was actually the one who started the fire that has been ravaging London since Sunday."

Sam's eyes grew wide, "Holy shit dude, you started that? I heard they only just now managed to get it under control! That's so badass and terrifying at the same time!" she cried, putting her hand up for a high five. We made contact, and more memories flashed before my eyes, and I felt myself fall unconscious and hit the deck.

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My eyes opened, and I found myself in a school hallway. Everything was frozen and sorta spazzy, like a video game that has both a really low quality and is glitching, but there were kids in the process of running towards me, and although I couldn't hear anything, I could tell they were screaming. Knowing I should walk away, I walked forward to the end of the hall, and there was an open foyer, and there was a giant of a man (probably six feet tall and ripped) holding a tiny Asian kid by the throat with one hand. In the other hand, he held a three-foot-long oriental and ornate blade.

Due to the glitchy nature, I had plenty of time to take into account the details of the situation. Noticing a shadow overhead, I glanced up and, to my utter surprise, saw a man caught frozen in the act of crashing through the large windows above the doors. He appeared to have some silver-looking skin, as well as some regular looking skin. His hands were also covered in the silvery metal, and formed into blades. I looked outside and saw a girl in dark clothes sprinting towards the school, with what appeared to be blue lightning striking off of her. Feeling an odd sense of deja vu, I looked around the foyer, and saw myself. It was weird, seeing one's self from a completely external point of view, but there I was, hiding behind a pillar almost next to the giant.

Prometheus: Harbinger of Conflagration (Shatterpoint part 1)Where stories live. Discover now