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A/N hey so basically this is when you and the whole band were kids and you are all best friends . Andy is 14 and you are 13 jinxx and Ashley are 15 and CC is12 .These ages are not accurate to who is older in real life . Hope you enjoy .
P.s I adapted this story from remember when by.         @h-osterfield

"1,2,3,4,-" said Andy loudly. You
were running around frantically looking for a hiding spot. Andy and Ashley were on a team together and you were with Jinx and CC. Jake didn't want to play so instead he went to go get some food. You were all playing cops and robbers. Andy and Ashley were the cops and everyone else were the robbers .You were hidden behind the tool shed in the back yard ,you liked to hide there because if you got caught it was easy to run . But it sucked not being on Andy's team because he knew all of your hiding spots .


"Aha got ya" shouted Ashley. "Are you sure about that " you giggled whist getting ready to run. Suddenly you felt arms wrap around your waist and a familiar voice said "Going somewhere princess???". Andys warm breath tickled your neck. "Damn you found me!!!" Y/N said loudly, Trying to subtly alert her fellow robbers that she had been found. Andy told Ashley to look for the others and that he would bring me to the jail. Suddenly CC ran out from behind a bush being chased by Ashley you could tell it was a part of the plan to help you escape because CC winked at you as he was running . Jinxx gave me a signal to distract Andy so I just smiled at Andy and started talking to him and then it was easy to keep the conversation going . When jinxx gave me the thumbs up I leaned in closer to Andy, (I'm talking like an inch from his lips) then when he was fooled. He said " I'm happy I caught you, Princess ", you replied with "are you sure about that " then jinxx came and got you and the two of ran as fast as you could to a new hiding spot. All they while Andy chasing after you and Jinxx shouting "Jinxx you little shit get back here with my princess!!!!"

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