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Author PoV

as day past by Minlee And Kai Have been best friends And Kai always like to tease Minlee While minlee just Snob him....they can admit They like each other but No one wanna ruin their Friendship


Minlee POV

Where Could that guy be?? its already 5 minutes left...
I say to my self while I'm waiting at the door for that idiot Kai that have my project -_-"

"Heyy Minlee what are you doing their?"the idiot behind me said

"You stupid where the hell Are you? where's our project?" I ask him

"Its in the room I came from the back of the school" he said

"-_-'" my Expression


"Heyy Minie wait up" Kai said as he made me nickname he call me minie cause my First name is Min and he said I'm Mean so He call me Minie

"Tss...." I said but deep inside I'm blushing I wait for him and act like I'm pissed cause of his slowlynes

"H-Hey K-kai" Rica said she's our classmate

"Hey Rica what's up?" Kai ask

"N-nothing but me and my friends are wondering if you can eat With us?" she said asiihh what a stupid

"I can't I will eat with minlee you know" he said with a smile

Rica look at me begging....aaiisshh poor child

"ITS FINEE DOE~ YOU MUST EAT WITH HER AAYYIIIEEE" I tease aiishh I'm such a plastic I'm teasing my crush to other girl...WAIT! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND STOP IT!

"Are you sure?" Kai ask

"Yeah...Yiieeee" I tease with a smile

"okey" he said and smile back

"Kai!" I call

"Yes?"  he answer

"Jugulae?(do u wanna die?)" I said and wink at him

as I left and walk to the caffetiria

I was eating alone when I saw Kai running to my table

"Hmm..??why are you here?" I ask innocently

"Aishh Im sorry I don't wanna eat with them I broke the first rule" he said knowing he's sins

cause we have rules

1.Never Let your best friend eat alone
2 . Never find a new partner at group activities
3. Do not Bully your beat friend
4. never sleep while you and your best friend have a missunderstanding
5. never ever leave her o him when he or she needed something

that's our 5 rules

"Hahaha so what could be the punishment....hmm...." I said as I was thinking

"Please Not hard" he beg

"HAHAHAH I WANT THAT THAT THAT THAT AND THATT" I said as I was pointing at the chips

"Aiishh okeeyy" he said as he buy me those I just wait for him....


(The next day)

I was at the classroom when I heard Rica and her friends talking

"HEYY Mia Do you know that me and Kai Chat until late last night??? It was so cool I'm blush as hell and kyyyaaa" he said like imagining ever single Detail

"Really what did you guys talk about?" Nathalia said her other friend

"We talk about our selve's our favorites what we wanna do in the future" Rica Said


"whhaaa so sweettt" Mia tease

"I think just few more chat we will be a couples" she said

"AWWW YIIIIEEE.....HEREE HE COMEEE" Natalia and Mia said

"Hey minie" Kai said I just look at no where and don't know what to do

maybe he like Rica also....if he....

I smile

"Heyy Kai" I greet

he smile at me

"Kai lemme tell you something..." I started....I need to KILL THIS LOVE..(rum pum pum pum pum)

"Yes meniee??" he ask

"Do you know Bryle?" I ask him

"Yeah the cream section guy what's up with him?" he ask

"Just a secret okey....I- I like him" I said truely lie

"O-Ohh ahmm... hahaha good for y-you" he said with a force smile

"Hahaha" I fake laught

"What's up with you and Rica?" I ask him

"I- I don't know" he said


after the class its break Kai haven't talk to me since this morning he keep beside Rica...

It hurts me more....

"H-Hey...ahhmm...Min...Minlee..." A guy behind me said

I look at him .....B-....Bryle?



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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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