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Weekends. the blissful day for all mankind. inlcuding sana and momo who are peacefully slumbering their way to dreamland.
but rudely intrrupted by some clanking sound of frying pans and ladels.

it is the only thing that can describe what just happen inside the YooRai residence.


that wasn't the sound of my alarm. neither Sana's
as i get my thoughts together there is only 1 reason

or more exactly 1 person behind this.

i hate it when i curse in japanese.
but  this bobhaired ostrich know how to pull my annoyance trigger.

"ow youre awake now."
as she grin like a idiot who plays with her toy.

"for goodness sake jeongyeon-ah. im NOT an early BIRD"
emphasizing those words but her smile turns into a glare

with a very low voice. maybe 3 feet below ground.
"easy with the bird word"
storming out of the room, stoping the sound of her tools and going back.

with that i stood up, wash my face and head towards the kitchen while pooling my hair into a high ponytail.
humming my way to the kitchen. someone is cooking. uugghh

a bad experience re-occur to my mind.

the smell of jeongyeons fried-rice.
terrifying yet satisfying.
i can picture in my head the uncooked veggies.
the wrong order cooking of ingredients and the heavy oiling process.

i step into hells kitchen.
instead of rumbles and shumbles that always smash right on my face theres only,

and peace.
as a different frame was handling the condiments and the tools.
then a sudden command

"hand me the pepper"
with my confusion attacks me, not a single image of the so called pepper is known to my being

"hayaku. ppali. faster or do you want another language for your understanding."
i kinda answered back with my own

"command me after loosing those puffy eyes of yours, squirrel"
yes indeed, it is Sana whose cooking our morning energy booster.

"just pass me that" pointing at one of the 3 mysterious jars.
and i just answered dumbly "which one?"
and to my suprise she just pointed it out.

without yelling. hitting or whatever to vent out her frustration.

"is there sumthing wrong?"
to my curiosity i want to know what she is up to.

"seems weird to me that you act like a normal well-being despite of waking up early at this moment"
i braced myself for a bit because i know something will come.

"its more annoying to have a not-so-good  breakfast than to deal with two dull headed animals"
somehow her words doesn't bother me at all.
hence they kinda enlighten me. 
and speaking of the other animal, where is that flightless bird.

"where is jeongyeon by the way?"
i ask while scanning the whole room looking for our other housemate.

"living room. sofa.
bring an ice pack. for sure it is needed"
WAIT. DID SHE? no way.

i powerwalk the way from the kitchen to the living room and only to see jeongyeon
sobbing while massaging her ankle.

ooohh sprain.  thats why.
"can you bring me an ice pack?"
and to my surprise, i just raise it up like present to a little girl.

for the two of usWhere stories live. Discover now