Chapter 6

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Erik exits the elevator on the 31st floor. He approaches the first person he sees sitting at an open cubicle. An older woman with blonde hair in an oversized sweater looks up at him as he walks up to her. Giving his best-disarming smile, "Hello pretty lady, could you help me with something?"

She stares him for a moment flustered, "Uh yeah, sure. What did you need?"

"Could you gather Matthew Stone and his whole team into the breakroom for me?" He winks at her before turning to make his way to his destination.

He notices all the chatter as he makes his way along the floor. His demeanor still screams military to anyone just meeting him, straight posture with shoulders back. Men stop and stare, while the women blush and look away. He tries to keep a pleasant look on his face although, he feels anything but that. Someone on this floor spooked LaNyah, and for people who know anything about her, they should know better than that.

Erik has studied the layout of the floor, so he knows that LaNyah's office is just past that area. He walks over and notices the two windows with the blinds closed for her privacy. He already knows that it is locked, but tries to peek through a crack in one of them. Erik can make out a desk and the filing cabinet lining the back wall. That must be where her reports are located. He decides that he will come back down with her to get them when they are ready. He makes his way back towards the breakroom figuring it has been a suitable amount of time since he made his request.

As he enters the breakroom, there are five people gathered around one table waiting. He walks forward looking them over. There are three men and two women, including the one he asked to gather everyone together. Everyone looks like a regular white-collar corporate worker, nothing notable. Four of them are actually sitting down, and one is standing nearby. A man in an ugly brown expensive but ill-fitted suit, Mr. Stone. Only a guy trying to show his status would distance himself from his team. Erik pulls a little notebook out of his jacket pocket.

"Hello Everyone. I am sure you all are wondering why I have gathered you all together." He opens the notebook, "Wait, someone is missing. I have six people listed for this group."

"Oh, you mean LaNyah?" The older woman chimes in, but she looks away, "Uh, we haven't seen her today."

Erik hears someone scoffing in the background. "Does someone disagree with what- "


"Thank you." He looks around again, "Does someone disagree with what Sandi said about not seeing LaNyah today?" Silence. "Alright, then let me introduce myself." He pulls out a chair from another table, releases the button holding his jacket together and takes a seat. "My name is Erik Stevens, and I have been tasked with finding some analysts for a special project that Mr. Green and my company will be working on together." He has their attention now.

It is well known that whenever Green has a special project, it is an easy opportunity for upward movement at the company. Erik gave them just enough information for them to be nice to him for as long as he needs. "I have been given the names of every team in the accounting department, and I will be meeting with you all over the next few weeks."

"Why isn't Mr. Green handpicking people like he normally does?" asks one of the guys.

"Good question. We decided that we would provide a list of people who we think would be a good fit for the project and go to the other's company to make the final decisions. So, he will be visiting mine to interview and pick from the list I gave him, similar to what I am doing here." Everyone nods his or her head in understanding. "So, now that you know who I am and what I am doing here. Please introduce yourselves."

Standing first, "Since we spoke earlier, I am Sandi, and I am a senior funds manager." Erik nods as the other woman with a short black bob stands.

"I'm Cynthia, and I'm an analyst." Erik smiles at her, and she flushes before sitting back down.

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