tfp holoform smokescreen x human female reader

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One on the left is smokescreen requested by CcrcketLuverY/n's pov

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One on the left is smokescreen requested by CcrcketLuver
Y/n's pov

"Hey smokey" I said as I walk up to him and bumblebee "hey Y/n what's up"smokescreen asked as I look at bee and nod,he leaves "nothing but I want to ask do you want to go to the carnival with me"I said/asked as I readjust (is that how you spell it?) my bag "sure"said smokescreen as I walk over to his alt-mode/car and get in "bye guys be back soon"we said as smokey takes off

Time skip

As I get out of smoke's alt/car I see someone I wish I hadn't Kai (sorry if your name is Kai)"hey babe"said Kai "I am NOT your babe"I said as I walk past him"come on smoke"I said as I stop walking so I can wait for him "what kind of name is smoke"asked Kai,I just gave a 'ugh' "it is a nick name idiot"I said as smokescreen walks up next to me and we start walking again once I stop at the ticket thing(I don't know what it is called)I tell smokescreen to what on a seat for me "20 tickets please"I said to the ticket lady "ok here you go that will be 40 dollars please"she said as I give her the money and go to smokescreen "here 10 tickets for each of us"I said as I give smoke half of the tickets "now come on "I said as I grab his hand and takes off to some ride

Smokescreen's pov

"Now come on" said Y/n as she took my servo,I blush a bright red (fake blood)as she takes me to a ride called slingshot (😭)once me were on the seats leaned back and took off scaring me to where I screamed as I look over to see Y/n laughing "you got scared smokey?" she asked at this point I can't even deny so I said the truth "yes I was"I said in defeat which made her bust out laughing

Time ship and Y/n's pov

As we were walking to the last ride I broke the silence "hey smokey" I said "yeah"he asked "I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now I-I have a crush on you"I said as I look at smokescreen only to see I broke him "uhh smokey"I asked while waving my hand in his face "uh oh heh I uh I l-like you to Y/n"he said stuttering and I just giggle as we approach the ferris wheel (I think that is the right name I've been into the Carnival in a while)"hey and here you go"I said as me and smokescreen gets in to a cart once at the top I look at the sunset then to smokescreen and give him a kiss on the lips at first he was shocked but soon kissed back and man did I have a lot to tell miko about went we go back to base

Ok hi guys sorry it is short but IT IS 11:40 at night bye guys 545 words

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