When I was 2 month old I got adopted to a lovely family. I was always so happy to be with them.
They named me buddy.
My owner was named jack he was 45 years old and lived in this little barn called "the jacksons"
He had a wife Merinda and a son John. Merinda was 46 years old and John only 8.
But as years pass terrible thing happened... jack passed away and Marinda got a new husband, I heated him so much .
And know the barn was owned to John he was my new owner and I loved him he was like my best friend in the hole entire earth.
John: hey buddy go get it!
Every morning we played fetch together and I always used to lost the stick but lucky he always had more.
My sense of smell wasn't working that much like other dog's.
So no matter what I smelled it's the same for me.
A day after that, I felt like something was moving the ground I heard John saying ...
Don't worry buddy it's just a little earthquake
But for me it felt like the hole world was trembling. But after 14 min it stopped and I was glad it was over. As I see John watching the news the earthquake was felt hear but it actually hit some were else...
"Today a massive earthquake has hit japan tons of people were killed some injured and as scientist investigate it tells that this might have a possibility of continuing....."
John shouted down the t.v and stood up and walked he's way to the kitchen. (Whispering)
News....all lies...
I walked outside and saw all the animals faces looked worried..And scared. I looked down at my paws there was a mysterious crack. And for some reason bugs were coming out of it.
I stepped on one and tons of them came towards me rushing. I shake all over the place and they jumped off and went back to the hole on the crack.
Hey are you okay?
John came out and looked at me worried about something as I looked back to the crack. the bugs were gone and the ground started shaking again
Something wasn't right!
The last dog
Fantasya dog who has a nice life but one day a terrible accident happened and he's the only one too survive. it try s to get it's life back but what he doesn't know he's the only one left.