Chapter 4

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A/N: sooo its been a veryyyyy loooong tiiiiime since ive updated this story, but ive only been updating one story recently so all im saying is I didn't completely forget...


Koko's eyes fluttered open slowly. She tried to stretch out, but realized she was constricted from doing so. She looked over and realized Joon's arms were wrapping tightly around her. She smiled and lightly shook Joon awake.

He brought his eyes to hers and smiled. "This is a nice sight to wake up to."

Koko giggled as her face went red. "Not so bad on my side either."

Joon sat up and yawned, running his hands through his hair. He turned to look at Koko. Her bedhead the prettiest hair style, her morning face the most beautiful he's ever seen. There's no doubt in his mind that he has developed some feelings for her, but he can't let her know that. They're roommates. It would be the most awkward atmosphere to live in.

Koko didn't know how she felt. Of course, there's no doubt that Joon is attractive, but she hasn't thought about it in that way. She just considered herself lucky to have an attractive roommate.

Koko stood up and walked into the bathroom. She shut the door and took off her clothes. Turning on the shower, she looked at herself in the mirror.

She pulled at her hair, looking it over. She rolled her eyes. "Well, this sure is attractive."

She quickly hopped in the shower, feeling the warm water run down her shoulders. As she was finishing up and turning off the water, she went to grab her towel.

Shit, I forgot a towel.

She stood in the shower for a few minutes, trying to think of the easiest way out of her current situation. Then, she thought of something, but wasn't sure if it was the right idea.

Hesitant, she called out. "Joon? Could you, uh, come in here. Please?"

Moments later, the door slowly opened. "Whatcha need?"

"I, um, might've forgotten a towel?" It came out as a question.

"Oh, I'll just grab one and throw it over, don't worry." Joon said, opening the closet door.

Koko face palmed herself. "You do realize this shower has a glass door, don't you?"

"Oh, shit. You're right." Joon snapped his fingers. "I got it. I'll open the door a crack, keeping back from the door, then I'll slip the towel through."

Koko sighed. "Sure."

Joon inched the door open, stepping sideways, out of the way of the door. He carefully put the towel through the crack.

"Got it?"

"Yeah, you can let go. Thank you." Koko said.

She unfolded the towel and wrapped it around herself. She slid the door open and stepped out of the shower. Joon gasped, covering his eyes.

"You couldn't have waited until I left the room?!" He exclaimed.

Koko chuckled. "It's alright. The towel is wrapped around me, you're fine."

Joon slowly brought his hands down from his face. "You still could've waited."

"You big baby."


"So," Tae started. "Anything happen last night? Like did y'all watch the news together or something?"

Koko furrowed her eyebrows. "The news?"

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