For your eyes only, love at first sight.

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May, 2019.
The room was cold due to the breeze coming from the open window, television was on and flannel sheets were softly laid under his body.
«Are you awake, Sir. Malik?» a girl asked.
«Yeah, are we going now?» he replied, turning his head towards her, following the direction of her voice and steps.
«Yes, do you want to go to the toilet first? You'll be back in a couple of hours.» she proposed and he told her he had just come out.
«Perfect, we're ready then.» the nurse stated, unlocking the wheels and pushing the bed where the young man was laying outside the room. He had patches on both of his eyes: he had been waiting for a eyes' transplant for months.
Zayn found out he needed a transplant during the Christmas holidays and since then, he had to spend his days away from his beloved spray paints and walls.
Finally, he was ready to see them again.

Harry didn't really feel like getting into the church and let people see how many tears his eyes could produce in the meanwhile of the funeral. He greeted everyone, replying to their condolences with a fake little smile, he listened to their words and then reached his mom to tell her he was staying outside. Anne gave him a kiss on his forehead and left him in the backyard of the church. Harry sat on the bench under the olive tree in the garden and hid his face in his big hands, waiting for everything to end. Their dog, Bell, had its head on Harry's left foot and was crying with him.
Harry had a lot of images moving in his mind, a lot of memories that made his legs shiver.
Olivia was the first person Harry had ever loved, the first one to support his passion for photography, the first one to make him want to marry and have a family, the first one he introduced to his family and the only one he had brought to live with him. Olivia was worth every single future plan he had made, but someone decided to tear them apart, by not letting her wake up on a sunday morning. This was another reason keeping Harry out of the church: he was afraid he wouldn't control himself and he'd yell at the priest, telling him it wasn't fair that his beloved good God took away a 23 years old girl who was into university studies and was loved by every single person who knew her. It wasn't fair to go to sleep next to the person you love and never wake up, never getting to see the sunshine draw lines and rainbows on your skin or getting to smell the scent of hot coffee through the house anymore.
Harry hit the bench with a punch, hurting himself against the wood. He took deep breaths and, as the air left his lungs, tears streamed down his face.
He felt defenceless, left without any reason to live, fight or react anymore. He was angry and disappointed, but the worst feeling was realising that he could do nothing to bring her back. She, and all the life with her, was gone.

Zayn woke up from the surgery surrounded by a few friends, his girlfriend and his family. When he opened his eyes, he could see flowers on his bedside table and a great amount of smiling expressions above his head.
«You are so gorgeous, my son.» Trisha exclaimed smilingly, caressing his face.
«I can't wait to have you back, there's a lot of things you must see!» Gigi added, pointing at her t-shirt with one of his graffiti printed on it. She placed a kiss on his cheek and stepped back, leaving space to Liam and Louis, who couldn't wait to go out causing troubles all around the city with him.
When they all left, the doctors warned Zayn to stay away from sprays once again, for a month, so he patiently had to distract from the thought of going back to his job. He had already temporarily replaced walls with papers and sprays with pastels: he couldn't leave art.
That was the time when Gigi involved him into all of their wedding stuff. Zayn hadn't really proposed to her, but after 3 years of a tight-knit relationship, things were naturally going that way. Their parents had pushed them into it, because they thought it would benefit both of them. When they met, Gigi was a model for a streetwear company that had just bought a capsule collection designed by Zayn. They met at the launch party and ended up fucking in an elevator. Zayn was a very physical person, he loved seeing and touching women, it was his way of studying art. Some people called him a womanizer, but his affection was deeper: he believed in love, the one that lasts for a lifetime, but he also shared that "art for art's sake" Oscar Wilde depicted in his books. Zayn was into literature, he connected to the aesthetic movement: the true art has nothing to do with morality, so cheating on Gigi meant nothing to him. He got inspired by women and even though Gigi was his favourite muse, he couldn't stop adoring others, because he had to power to turn his experiences with them into the most voluptuous, vibrant and real work of arts of the last five years. Especially since he and Gigi met each other's parents, Zayn felt a little oppressed, so he let every girl he met open his cage and set him free for a while.

For your eyes only, love at first sight. // ZARRY [AU]Where stories live. Discover now