Wedding Series! Hermione

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Your Dress:

Your Dress:

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Hermione gave you a book for your birthday and you decided to read it but the pages flipped to the middle and inside was a ring

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Hermione gave you a book for your birthday and you decided to read it but the pages flipped to the middle and inside was a ring. You felt a smile creep onto your face. Hermione was falling asleep upstairs and you went up to her and kissed her on her forehead and whispered;
"Yes, I'll marry you."
You saw her smile before she drifted off.

Your ring:

Wedding Venue: A forest that you and Luna used to play in when you were kids

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Wedding Venue:
A forest that you and Luna used to play in when you were kids.

Wedding Invitations:

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Wedding Invitations:

Wedding Invitations:

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Wedding Cake:

Honeymoon Destination:Amiens, France

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Honeymoon Destination:
Amiens, France

Honeymoon Destination:Amiens, France

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