Chapter 1

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Tales of the wild

a X-over between

Breath of the wild/Tales of Symphonia

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Symphonia or Breath of the wild.

Before you start: please note that English isnt my first language. It is possible that there are mistakes in this story. That said, have fun reading :)

"...ake up."

A faint female voice spoke, drawing him out of a deep slumber. But he didn't react, pretending to still be in his nice, deep sleep.

"Wake up."

It was a bit louder this time. Lloyd was not in the mood to open his eyes. He found that he deserved this sleep, after all the work he had done. Even though he didn't feel that tired anymore.

"Hey, wake up!"

This time it was very loud. It made the teen jolt up. He found himself in a very strange situation. He was in a sort of basin, with a little water, and almost completely naked. His battle scars were clear to see, but they didn't look as bad as they had before. Odd.

The room he was in, he did not recognize. It had a lot of blue and a was pretty dark. Next to the 'bath' Lloyd was in, the room was pretty empty. The only other thing was a weird shaped stand next to a closed door.

His eyes went searching for the one who was talking to him. But there was no one. With a deep frown, the teen got out of the shallow tub and looked around once again, being just as fruitless.

"Hello? What's going on, where am I?"

"You are not the hero. What have you done with him?"

The female voice was still a bit faint, but sounded agitated. It came from nowhere, but everywhere at once. Was she talking to him remotely, like the Desians used to do?

"Look, I don't know what you are on about. I just got woken up here. I don't know what's going on. Just show yourself we can talk like civilized people."

Lloyd could clearly hear the woman sigh. She somewhat reminded him of Sheena, but it wasn't the right kind of voice.

"Just take the slate from the pedestal. Lets find out what happened."

The strange shaped stand, lit up, glowing bright blue. Lloyd knew asking questions wouldn't amount to anything, so he walked over to it. On the so called pedestal was a peculiar rectangle object. Or rather it was in it.

When the teen walked close enough, the object rose up so it was standing straight up. It seemed to have waited eagerly for some one to pick it up.

With a bit of hesitation, Lloyd took it in both of his hands. He didn't know what it was or how breakable it was, so he was careful.

Good thing he did. Out of nowhere, a light came out of the thing and it made a sort of 'ping' sound. It startled Lloyd. If he'd been holding it by just one hand, he would have dropped it.

The little screen that lit up, reminded him of the tech the Desians had. But those were big, not as portable as this little thing. It showed a symbol that looked like an eye with a tear falling from it. The pedestal then twisted and turned, after which the door slid open horizontally upward.

In the next room, about as big as the last, two rusty looking chest were set up to be seen immediately. There were also some random crates and barrels.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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