Chapter 1- dream or reality?

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The cold wind was unforgivable as it sent twigs, and small rocks in the direction of the North star. The cries from the children who had been hit by the harsh winds along with the small stones flying. Home was quiet as the parents had left a while ago. Summer a little girl with brownish black hair. Stormy blue eyes that no longer had a spark of happiness. The clothes she was wearing were lose and big on the frail 7 year old. Her skin was smooth and dark milky chocolate color. Her dress was a faded pastel blue with green flowers on the bottom of her dress. SEEP NOW TO TIRED CAN'T STAND, the girl fell not being able to support her weight.

A baby cries just five minutes ago she was in the womb her twin is being pushed out now. Then she was a small 5 year old who could no stay awake the clock struck 7 and she and her twin passed out after waiting for thirty minutes for there dad to come home. Next  she was in front of a mirror. Pure black hair long and sleek, her eyes were like a milky  opal. Her lips were pink and her skin was white. The little Asian girl was wearing a royal purple colored dress that went to her knee caps.

I opened my eyes I was in front of a weeping willow spring green color. Walking up to the great willow I then saw a pool of water a crisp blue color. The pool has a small stream in which she could see went all around the huge tree.

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