you can't sleep

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wildspartanz (brandon):

It was late at night, around 12:00. You could not even get a wink of sleep at the moment and you honestly hated it. You were exhausted but you couldn't sleep. Brandon was editing a video in the living room and you could hear the vivid laughter of him and his friends as they laughed at reddit posts. You sighed and rubbed your eyes as you sat up and trudged into the room. Brandon looked at you and his face showed immediate concern. "Christ, hun, you look exhausted." He pointed out. You let out a raspy chuckle and nodded. "Really? I never would've noticed." you said sarcastically. Brandon chuckled before coming up to you and gently taking your hand. He pulled you onto his lap as he sat down and continued editing. "Brandon..." you mumbled. Brandon hummed in response. " I...never want to leave you..." You laid your head on his shoulder and the warmth of love and insulation instantly transferred to you. Your eyelids slowly grew heavier. "Go to sleep, (Y/N). Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere." And with those words you were out like a light.

aksually (aksel):

" what the hell is that?! "

You heard your boyfriend exclaim from the recording studio. He was looking at reddit posts with quackity and it was fun to hear their reactions. But you couldn't sleep whatsoever. Aksel had just finished his call and he took off his bucket hat as he walked into the room. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "How the hell are you up so late, doll?" Aksel asked as he threw on a shirt and pajama pants. You shrugged. "I can't sleep. Not without you at least, egghead." You responded with a smile as you looked up at him with heavy eyes. Aksel smiled down at you before climbing into bed next to you. "I was only gone for 20 minutes." he said. You whined and buried your embarrassed face into his chest. "You know im clingy! " you muffled. Aksel laughed before playing with your hair. "Tell me about the reddit posts so i can fall asleep, aks. " You mumbled sleepily. Aksel began to tell you about r/niceguys as he played with your hair. You fell asleep eventually.

quackityhq (alexis):

" (y/n)! this is epic! come over to the- "

Alexis was about to wake you up but he saw that you were already awake.
"Huh? You're usually asleep by now, chica. " he said sitting beside you and rubbing your back. "Alex i...i can't stop thinking about tomorrow. I'm so nervous. What if they don't want me? then i'll have to search for another job and then another and then another and it'll be an endless cycle of- "
"(y/n), calm down! Jesus christ!" Alexis hugged you tightly and looked concerned as you were genuinely freaking out. " Babe, you're amazing and if anyone can't see that then they don't deserve you at their workplace!" He reassured you as he laid you down with him and kissed your cheek multiple times. You sighed and looked up at him with a sluggish smile. "That...means a lot, al..." you said blushing a bit. He pulled the blanket over you two and nuzzled the top of your head with his own. "Try and get some sleep now?" Alexis asked. You nodded and yawned before laying your head onto his shoulder. He would plant little kisses on your cheeks until he knew you were asleep.

FPSDiesel (Diesel):

" huehuehuehue! "

You heard your lovable boyfriend's goofy laugh echo from the other room and it made you smile as you covered your mouth to refrain from chuckling. Diesel was the cutest thing ever to you and he definitely reciprocated the feeling. Diesel finished the tv show he was watching before walking into the room to see your eyes still wide open and staring up at the ceiling. "What are you doing up, baby girl?" Diesel said getting in next to you and cupping your cheeks with a light smile. "I can't sleep, bro!" You said a bit frustrated. "Aw, we can't have that now, can we?" He said before wrapping his arms around your waist and smiling sweetly. You giggled and laid your head on his. Diesel kissed your forehead and he also rubbed your back in an attempt to get you to sleep. And boy, did it work. Within about 10 minutes you finally got the sleep you needed.

kingani (ani):

"awww look at him!"

You heard your girlfriend silently squealing in attempts not to wake you. Little did she know that you weren't awake at all. She looked down at you and noticed. "(y/n)? whats wrong? cute cat videos usually get you to sleep." Ani said confused. "hm? oh, i just can't sleep yet..." you mumbled a bit embarrassed that she noticed. Ani giggled and kissed the top of your head. "do you wanna play minecraft for just a bit longer?" she asked you. You looked up at her before laughing at her idea but nodding. "Hell yeah, gay-mer!" you replied with pure excitement in your voice. Ani brought the nintendo switch and you both played minecraft until you mined yourself to sleep.

bluesdank (henry):

"oh well you're fuckin' hard, aren't ya?"

Henry was on call with Brandon looking at r/madlads. You were tossing and turning for hours on end and finally you just gave up. "Man, what a hypocrite...he's a madlad himself." You laughed at your own joke. "Scuze me love, um, what the absolute fuuuuck did you just say?" Henry was standing in the doorway. You looked at him and chuckled. "You heard me, shemale." You retorted. Henry shook his head and tackled you on the bed. You gasped before laughing. He kissed your stomach before crawling upwards and planting a kiss on your lips. You giggled and covered your face. "Stoooop!" You whined bashfully. Henry moved your hands and kissed you once more before smiling and pulling away. He held you by your waist and smiled as he hummed and turned off the light. "I love you sooooo much." Henry said. "I love you too." You replied smiling.
"I was talking to Dwayne Johnson." Henry said.


You were studying super hard for your finals. You haven't slept in 3 days. The bags under your eyes were slowly growing darker and darker and your hair was a mess. Kwite was majorly worried about your health. "Babe its been 3 days what the hell?" Kwite said slamming his hand on the desk. You didn't react to it and only blocked his voice out. Kwite had had enough of this. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, walking out of your room. "Kwite, what are you doing?! Put me down!" You tried wriggling but it was no use. "No! You're gonna sleep whether you like it or not, princess!" Kwite said closing and locking the door before setting you down on the bed and laying next to you. You huffed and puffed. "Oh shut up and come here." He said cuddling you. Soon enough, he heard your cute snores and he could tell you were out.

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