Chapter 2

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America's P.O.V

Germany normally isn't wrong but Y/N just walked outside as if she wasn't hurt. Anyways, I don't have to deal with her and neither does Russia...or should we?

I do know for a fact that we have to bring her with us to the world meeting. I stand up and walk outside.

Y/N was sitting by the shore, letting her H/C hair flow in the wind. She looked like a goddess. I walked up behind her and picked her up bridal style. She shrieked and tried to kick me. Wow, I was only trying to help :'(.

Your P.O.V

"What the fuck America!" I shrieked.

"Me and Russia are going to go to a world meeting and Britain told us to take you with us." He said, walking to the cottage.

He almost kicked the door down before Russia opened the door.

"Какого черта вы двое делали?"

"English, Russia."

"Eh, what the hell did you two do?"

America settled me down and pushed his shades up his (nonexistent) nose. He walked to the couch and opened something that seemed to be my backpack. Russia followed.

"Jeans, another hoodie and a pair of pa-" America's mouth was covered with Russia's hand.

"Почему бы вам не оставить этот факт при себе, Америка?" Russia said, taking his hand off America's mouth.  America looked at you.

"This is what human girls pack whenever they plan to go somewhere?" The country said, heading to his room. A few minutes pass and he comes out with ANOTHER hoodie.

"This is my brother's. He's probably bigger than you so keep the shorts on." America said, handing the hoodie to you.

America, I wasn't planning to walk around HALF NAKED.

Russia's P.O.V

I grabbed Y/N by the arm and pushed her into the bathroom.
"Вы можете изменить здесь" (You can change here) I told her as I closed the door.

I walked up to America and sighed.

"You are sometimes an idiot." I said.

"I know, people call me that everyday." He responded.

What a dumbass.

I heard the bathroom door open as I opened the front door. I pushed America out and stood in front of the door, just in case he tried to get back in. She spined around and smiled.
"That's too much skin." Was the only thing I said.

She walked in front of me, about three feet away from where I was standing. All of the sudden, a angry American potato crashed into me, making me almost fall on top of Y/N.

"Для чего это было ?! Вы чертовски глупы?" (What was that for?! Are you damn stupid?) I shouted turning around to see both Mexico and America.

"Um...hello Tac- I mean Mexico." I said with a calm voice, pushing America to the side to let Y/N pass.

"Hi." He said, he might've gotten annoyed by America's childish behavior.

"UK sent me to make sure you left the house and apparently you haven't even moved one inch." He said, walking away into the city.

Well now, I'm fucked up because of this fucking dumbass.


Wait- was he there the whole time?

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