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Summer...the hottest season at your country.You hated the smell of your sweaty body.So,you decided to stay in your room while enjoying a bowl of ice-cream.

Suddenly,your phone ring,telling you that someone is calling you.Then,you took your phone and look at your phone's screen......... it was Soraru who calling you.
You answered his call....

" Hell---"

" _____-chan!!!!"

A high pitch voice from your phone almost make your ear deaf for a while.You knew that voice and you shouted back.

" SUZUMU-SAN!!! " you shouted loudly

" Ouch! Don't shout so can also make high pitch voice," Suzumu said

" Next time,I will punch you,Suzumu-san," you said angrily

" Aww....don't do that! You're strong just like Soraru,"

" Hmph! So why did you called me using Soraru-san's phone? you asked

" Owh....would you like to join us to the summer festival?"

" Eh!? Summer festival? Where?"

" Near Mount Fuji,"

Suddenly,you realized the voice that wasn't Suzumu's voice anymore.A low and slightly husky voice...the voice that you're always remember in your mind.It was Soraru who answered you questions.That makes you so happy to speak with him.

" Wa-wait! Near with Mount Fuji!?" you were shock for a while

" Yeah...why? You don't want to join us to the summer festival?" he said

" N-no! It's not like that...but Mount Fuji is far from Yamagata,right? It'll take about 6 or 7 hours to go there by a van..." you explained

" Yeah,that's,we will go there in the morning before summer festival start.It's will be fun,right?" he said

You sighed.

" Okay...I will join you but who will drive the van?" you asked

" Of course,Kashitaro will drive the van," he said

" Eh!? If Kashitaro joins us mean that Amachu-san (Amatsuki),Un:c and Mafumafu will join,right?"

" Yup.."

" So,can I bring my friends too?" you asked

"Sure..after all,you're the only girl that I've invited,"

When Soraru said that,your face became red because his said ' after all,you're the only girl that I've invited ' made you felt that you're special.

" Re-really!? So,when will we go there?"

" Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m,"

" Okay!"

"Then,if youre done asking...I will to hang up the phone,"

" Wait,Soraru-san!"


" Will everyone wear yukata?"

" Of course,everyone will wear yukata,"

" Owh...okay.Jaa nee,Soraru-san.See you tommorrow,"

" Ah~ Take care,"

" Em!"

Soraru hung up his phone.You quickly called your two best friends, (______/friend 1) and (______/friend 2).They also agreed to join the summer festival with you and others.(______/friend 1) love Mafumafu but she never show her feelings towards Mafumafu.Then,you sat on the chair in front of the mirror

' Soraru '

Suddenly,you blushed when you thought about him wearing a yukata.But sometimes,you wondered ' Is Soraru-san love me? ' or ' He love me as his little sister because I'm younger than Mafumafu and Amatsuki? ' those questions keeps bothering in your mind without realizing it your tears already stagnated on your eyelids.It's really painful for you to think about that.

" No,no! I need to be strong!" you thought for a while...

Suddenlly,(______/friend 1) send you a message.Then,you read her message.

Sender: _________(your friend's name)
Receiver: ________(your name)

______-san! Let's go shopping this evening at the shopping complex
with (______/friend 2)!

Then,you replied her message.

Sender: __________(your name)
Receiver: _________( your friend's name)

Okay.I will wait for both of you at the shopping complex.

====== To be Continued ======


1. ' Un:c ' is pronounce as ' Anku '
2. ' ________-chan/-san ' mean you can put your name
3. ' (________/friend 1) and (_______/friend 2) ' mean you can put your best friends's name
4. ' Yukata ' is Japanese traditional clothes
~ P.S ~
- Your comments appreciated! *bows* (◡‿◡✿)

Soraru x Reader : The Summer FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now