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Gel was transfered to a different account in a BPO company, of course Gel needs to adjust with her new team mates but he noticed something....

While conducting the training, Gel noticed this guy named "hance". Gel find him as a misterious guy. During break time, Gel cant remove her eyes on the tattoo of hance because she was curious about the design "ROSE". Gel asked Hance if what is the meaning of the design, Hance responded and says life after death. Gel think about it then she asked what do you mean? Hance did not responded. Gel feels sad and she keeps on thinking "there's really something about him". Every training, Gel noticed that he's very clingy with the other girls same as what he is doing with her. Well Gel just ignored it because that time she doesnt have any feelings for Hance. On training , there was a time that they conducted a role play, Gel noticed that Hance is hiding at his station because its thier turn to conduct the role play, Gel spoke with Shar and told her "Girl, look at Hance his attractive right?"Shar replied, "uhm maybe because of his body" Gel just smiled. There you go! The role play is about to start so they decided to have a fashion show, Gel cant help it because when Hance is modeling she was star strucked because maybe of the appeal of Hance. That time, Gel knows that Hance have noticed her that she has a feelings with him and he also started asking Her if shes okay if how hers day something that Hance is concern about her. Gel is indenial coz she doesnt want to fall in love again especially that Hance is doing the same thing with others especially Jane so Gel just ignored it even if she knows in her self that shes a little bit jealous. Last day of training, half of the team decided to have a drinking session Gel agreed and others, including Jane,Hance,Shar,Bry and others a total of 13 persons. While waiting for others, Gel decided to smoke and Hance came ask for a cigarette Gel doesnt have an extra so they shared in a one cigarette it look likes they are so close Hance is holding the bottled water of Gel and talking to each other. Drinking session started then Jane came in and sitted beside Hance.Shar called Gel says something eye to eye. Gel just smiled and cant avoid staring Hance and Jane. Later on, Jane and Hance went at the store to buy a cigarette, when they came back Shar talked to Gel "Are you okay? And laugh" Gel replied "yes i am okay! Why is theres something wrong? Dont mind them" Shar just smiled. After wards they went to a different bar, Jane sitted beside Gel and have a small talk, Joshua called Hance to sit beside Gel since joshua knows the feelings of Gel  for Hance. Hance sitted beside Gel, they started sharing their past why they are single. Gel opened her past and same with Hance, Jane and Joshua was just listening to them. Later on, Hance sitted beside Vin coz his tipsy same with Gel coz she keeps on talking already. Suddenly Hance called Gel to sit beside him, Gel sitted and having a shots then Hance comforted Gel coz shes drunk he is holding the hands of Gel seems like they are couple. After drinking session others went home. Gel is just following Hance,vin and the three girls. Hance and Gel is at the back, holding hands. When they are already in the house of their friends, Hance kissed Gel for a minute then done, seems like nothing happened. They slept in a separated bed . Early morning both of them has a hang over and decided to go home since its their day off they take a rest. When Gel woke up, she saw a message from Hance asking if Gel is okay if she went home then they had a small convo  Gel decided to get the phone number of Hance since her data is too slow. They texted and have calls, of course Gel was quite happy coz she thought that hance  is concerned about her or thinking that maybe Hance likes her. After day off its their first day of another training , they ride in a shuttle and Gel didnt sit beside Hance because shes shy on what happened but when they get in the training room, Hance sitted beside Gel and smiled. Gel was irritated because she dont know what to say or what to do. So the training is on going and same thing happened, Hance sitted beside Gel calling her to have a smoke, oferred her a coffee. Third day of training, the trainer decided to divide the team into four groups. Sadly Hance and Gel is not in a one group. So still the same Hance attention is with Gel. Then things happened moving forward , Gel noticed that Hance is not chatting with her anymore maybe 3 days and he will be chatting Gel. Every training she noticed that Hance and Jane is closed seems like they are couple, Hance is kissing jane on the forehead infront of Gel , kissing , hugging and what so. Gel feels jealous thinking that what happened to them was just a flirt? Gel cant help it because she is not in the mood to talk with them she is avoiding them she is not even smiling. Jane is talking with Gel sometimes so Gel is just talking with jane as well as if she is not mad with the girl. Sudddenly, Jon asked Gel if she is okay . Gel just smiled and replied"yes! I am okay even if..." Jon smiled and said " I know even if youre not going to say it I noticed that your hurt, just dont mind them. Smile" Gel was about to cry and stopped her self, everytime that they have a training having a break or everytime that they are going home, Gel just put her headphone and play a loud music then she is not even talking with jane. To make it short, during the time that Hance and Jane is sweet and if Hance doesnt care about Gel, she was very jealous and crying evrytime that she gets home she keeps on waiting for Hance chat and evrytime that Hance and Jane is on active status, Gel has a feeling that they are chatting. Gel is not on herself during that time she is moody have her eyes roled if she sees the two. Coz even if Gel was obvious that she is jealous Jane and Hance doesnt feel anything seems like they are just snobbing the feelings of Gel , though jane knows the feelings of Gel for Hance so she started to go away from them she is alone she doenst want to join with them if they are smoking. Then one day, they have a house party then jane and Hance was infront of Gel drinking and they are so sweet. Gel was so upset  she take a lot of shot and doenst want to look at them, Ray notice it and he talked with Gel . Then Gel started sharing her feelings ray comforted her, when they're about to go home Gel saw something and hugged ray then she crys out loud . Gel went away without saying goodbye with them . Gel decided to have a shot , she chatted Hance bout her feelings but Hance just ignored it and replied to Gel" what happened to you!? You look like crazy!" Gel was so emotional and cried. (IN THIS SCENARIO YOU CANT FIGURE OUT THE REAL FEELINGS OF HANCE WITH GEL, IF HE JUST TREATED GEL AS HIS FRIEND OR WHAT NOT)

                >TO BE CONTINUED<

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