Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
They put me in the backseat of this car, which Castiel told me was Baby, and we drove. It was a long drive and I fell asleep, except it was like I blinked because next thing I knew we were at this bunker. Dean opened the door for me and I stepped out (Still only is Castiel's trench coat) and I looked around. The outdoors were quite beautiful. Dean cleared his throat and spoke "So what it your name?" I had to search through my head leaving a strange silence "Hazel. My name is Hazel"
"Well Hazel the entrance is this way" I followed Dean and Castiel. We entered the bunker and I was in awe of everything we saw. We came down the stairs and I propped myself into a near by chair. "Sammy we're back, and we brought someone" Dean yelled. I heard a footsteps and this really tall guy entered the room "Uh Dean who is this?" Sam questioned. Dean turned to me and said "Hazel this is Sam. Sam this is Hazel" I stood up and walked over the shake Sam's hand "It is a pleasure to meet you Sam"
"It's uh, good to meet you too, Dean why is she here?" Before Dean could say anything Castiel interrupted "We found her in the alley, she seems to not know... a lot. So we figured we could help her."
"I see" Sam respondes not really paying attention "Do you need some clothes"
"Yes please" I watched as Sam went into another room and came back with some clothing "Here you go, these are some of our moms clothes but I think they'll fit, you can go change in the room right over there" he pointed to a door, I just nodded and went into the room. The room was very neat, there were a few trinkets here and there, but what caught my attention was the mirror on the wall. It was as if I had never seen my self before, my hair was in my face, my skin was dirty, and my eyes had this strange sparkle to them. Something was off but I'm not sure what. Just then the door swung open, I looked over and there was another man. Except this one was different. He had brown hair, beautiful eyes, and a young face. There was something about him. He was just staring at me when he finally spoke
"S-sorry" He turned and left. I quickly changed and followed.

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