The first kiss😍😜😚

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Huey: he took you out for lunch and was sweating really bad and acting weird when u asked him what happen he leaned in and kissed you right in he lips/beak you kissed back and didn't  even notice people staring at u guys but u both enjoyed it very much😘

Dewey: You were on another adventure when Dewey took u aside u asked what happen and u guys kissed which led to Louie and Huey snapping pics without u guys knowing😅🥰still cute tho😘

Louie: You guys were chilling watching a movie when u noticed him looking at you you looked at him and he gave you a long kiss which led to a whole make out session 😂when Dewey walked in not knowing what to do he backed up slowly u guys continued your session till you noticed the locus was over😜😘

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