Chapter 1

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I was in my room listening to music one of my favorite songs is Double up by Nipsey Hussle that's my song but anyways my phone vibrated beside me. I grabbed it seeing that it was my bestfriend Mi'ana. We have been bestfriends since we were little. I've always liked her brother Britain but he is a player and I don't have time for that and I'm sure that he doesn't like me anyway so that's just wishful thinking

My ace🤞🏾:hey honey wyd?

Me:just listening to music hbu?

My ace🤞🏾:I'm with my brother and one of his hoes..they are getting on my nerves but I'm omw to your house so come open the door


I got up sliding on my slippers. I had on a short silk red robe. I ran downstairs to open the door. Mi'ana was talking to her brother as she was getting out of the car. He just so happened to look up and smiled at me. I waved and he gave me a head nod while still looking at me. The girl that was in the front seat rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand to get his attention but he snatched it and started walking behind his sister. As they got closer my heart started beating fast. They finally got to my door and Mi'ana instantly hugged me and I hugged her back all the while just had to say something

"Wassup Zari?" Britain spoke

"Hey Britain what you been up to?" I said nervously

"Nothing much but I got a question" he said


"Why you got on that short ass sexy robe like you waiting for a nigga to come bless you?" He asked frowning a bit

"Maybe I am" I shot back

He looked at me like he wanted to snap on me but he is not my man so I don't get why he's mad

"oh Ard" was all he said

"Why you so worried if she have a nigga coming to bless her ,last time I checked you wasn't her nigga and you have a hoe waiting for you so leave her alone." Mi'ana said

He sucked his teeth "man mind your business I was talking to my ba- I mean my home girl".

"she's not your home girl she's my bestfriend" she replied

He waved her off "whatever"

"Ok see ya" Mi'ana said smartly

He gave her a look "don't get popped

He looked at me "may I use the bathroom please?"

Mi'ana gasped "since when do you have manners?"

He laughed "girl i been had manners I just don't use it with you"

"Sure you can use the bathroom" I finally said

He nodded and came in the house and went upstairs

Mi'ana turned to me and said "my brother like you"

I shook my head "no he don't

"Oh yes he do" she smiled

Umm why are smiling" I asked

"I'm smiling because if my brother get his act together y'all can be together and get married and have a bunch of kids." She squealed

"Woah nope not gonna happen so get that out of your head." i said rolling my eyes

Just as she was about to respond Britain ran down the steps

"Thanks for letting me use the bathroom"he said

I looked down blushing before looking back at him "oh you're welcome

He smiled and said "well have fun with my annoying sister and ya little nigga"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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