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There was very little in life that a shower and an 8 hour nap couldn't fix. Domina dressed in the plain white shirt and pants that Pearl had laid out and ate one of the blue fruits left from her rations while she started giving orders to the Beyrls and Agates to pull back to one of the Empire's outposts.

"We'll try again in a few decades" She told them "In the meantime we'll get started on that planet the Rutile's said had a decent deposit of materials for corundums." After that she settled in to work through a mountain of bureaucracy from all the various other colonies.

A large portion of this was just reading through reports or signing off on deployments or projects. Unfortunately when you're the only being that has to sleep in an empire of sentient rocks even small tasks tend to stack up quickly. However thanks to Pearl's help she could breeze through the things that actually needed her attention and still have time for her favorite past time. Reading through the logs.

Domina's mother, the brilliant White Diamond, had been a chronic chronicler. Not only writing down every aspect of the colonization process but also her personal thoughts and important events that had gone on in the empire. It was a thousand times denser than the version that Yellow Diamond had given her during her lessons and a thousand times more interesting.

There was also 20,000 years worth of information so it was quite a lot to slog through but after 4,000 years she was getting close to the end. Something that was both exhilarating , to have finished that much, and terrifying, as she was no closer to understanding her mother from the writings than she had been when she started.

The last few thousand years of writings had been discussing the creation of a new diamond on a Crystal System planet. Domina didn't know much about Pink Diamond, She knew about earth of course, her father had been full of stories about earth, and She knew that Pink Diamond had somehow been destroyed in a war on the planet. Pearl had belonged to her once, and was hesitant to talk about her former owner so Domina didn't press her for information.

The planet does have existent Intelligent life though I am sure that it will not impede the progress of our colonization. The planet is mostly water, but contains an abundance of material seen so rarely on other planets within the same system. We may not get a chance to add another member to the diamond authority for another 12 millenia. This could almost be a second Homeworld. This could be great.

"What happened to Earth?" Domina asked aloud. Pearl jumped slightly jostling her own screen where she was ordering food and the other materials that Domina would need when they set up shop on the next planet.

"What do you mean My Diamond?" Pearl asked hesitantly.

"Is it still there? Father used to talk about it all the time." Domina said thinking back to the stories of earth hero's that her father had told her thousands of years ago.

"As far as I know yes... But there are no gems left on it."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure it is my place to say my diamond." Pearl said quickly. White Diamond frowned, part of her said to press pearl until she cracked, metaphorically of course. The other part said that she wouldn't get anywhere with her if she did that.

"Fine I'll ask Yellow." White Diamond said reaching into her chair's port and tossing up the Diamond Communicator. She thought she heard Pearl sigh in irritation but the Gem's facial expression hadn't changed.

The panel expanded to reveal Yellow Diamonds Pearl staring down at White Diamond with her customary haughty expression that fell away the moment she saw White Diamond.

"White Diamond!" She said glancing slightly off screen, presumably at Yellow Diamond.

"Hello Pearl, is Yellow preoccupied?" White Diamond asked

"I'm here." Yellows voice came from off screen, followed by a hand picking up the communicator and turning it to face her. "I just got a report from one of your Agates that the base on 36-JK9 was destroyed. What happened?"

"Another example of why we need to re-evaluate how we classify intelligent life." White diamond said frowning slightly, she should have insisted that the reports go through her before getting sent back to Homeworld, not like she needed one more thing to do. "The Base was overrun, after we refuel at the closest out post we'll move on to 36-JK8 and begin the scouting process while we wait for the area to stabilize."

"Hm." Yellow Diamond said manipulating a screen off to the side. "You are unharmed?" White diamond allowed herself a small smile, that was the closest Yellow had been to worried about her in a century

"I'm fine, we only lost ten gems thankfully."

"Good, was that all?"

"Do I ever call just to chat?"

"Stranger things have happened."

"What happened to the Earth." White Diamond asked. Yellow Diamond stopped working and turned to stare at the younger Diamond.

"It's still there if that's what you mean."

"Well I assumed so, how far did we get with colonization before the war?"

"Far enough to realize that it wasn't worth the effort and put to other purposes, Now I'm sure you have better things to do than worry about a failed colony planet." Yellow said "Like perhaps dealing with your own." White pursed her lips.

"No need to be rude about it. I was simply asking a question. What other purpose?"

"I told you it's nothing to worry about Domina." Yellow Diamond snapped. White Diamond stiffened. "Don't ask again, the Earth is not worth your time."

"Hm. Very well then." White Diamond reached forward and closed the communicator before flinging it into a wall. The object shattered on impact and left a dent in the wall above the small table. Pearl had jumped and moved against the wall out of the way of any oncoming tantrum. Domina breathed deeply letting her rage subside, she counted to ten, then to twenty when she still felt like breaking everything in the room.

"Sorry about that." She said. Pearl nodded still visibly shaken and moved to clean up the mess. Domina shook her head, gesturing to collect the particles left by the communicator with a small breeze and deposit them in the waste receptacle. "Prepare the Styx, we'll leave as soon as I've given orders to the crew."

"Of course My Diamond." Pearl said uneasily. "Where exactly are we going?" Domina gave the gem a wry grin.

"Why Earth of course. Where else?"

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