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There was a discomforting weight resting in Minho's shoes. The moment he walked past the library, his gut told him something was off. He lured through the big glass window. The figure at the second table between the educational section and YA literature; his eyes could tell who it was, yet his mind tried to convince him he was once again seeing things.

Something was very wrong. His suspicions turned out to be correct when a note whirled down from the sky. His stomach churned when he read the name.

Han Jisung had once again squirmed his way into Death's grip.

"Car accident," Minho mumbled to himself while examining the burnt looking paper in his hand. He rested it in his open palm, watching it crumble into ashes. "Car accidents are always so gory." He scrunched his nose in disgust. "Can't let him die that way," he shrugged and lowered his hat.

As Minho heard the honking of the car and the ear-bleeding screech of tires, he told himself it was time to step in. He morphed into the shadows, letting his body disintegrate into cold, black smoke. In his physic-less shape he dove into Jisung's direction, embracing him like a protective capsule.

What Minho had failed to notice was a streak of light reaching out like a protective hand. It froze in shock at the sudden cloud ahead of it. Swirling it tried to get to Jisung's body, but there was no way through. It crumbled at the first touch of shadows, shattering into a cloud of white and feathers.

Darkness engulfed Jisung's body. He couldn't even scream as his vision was overthrown by shadows. The hisses from around him and the high pitched screeches sent shivers over his spine, but they couldn't reach him. He felt safe in a really strange and scary way. It felt as if firm arms were wrapped around his body to make sure he wouldn't get hurt.

That was until he was harshly dropped on the sidewalk, leaving nasty scrapes on his knees and huge cut on his left cheek. He groaned as his hands were contemplating on which injury to shield from the world.

The Reaper took solid form again. He leaned arrogantly against a wall. With a lazy flick of the wrist and a yawn, he stopped the van that obviously had some trouble with the breaks. He inspected his fingers, hissing to himself when he noticed one of his rims had been ripped. He dropped his arm, watching the scene ahead of him unfold.

The driver quickly rushed out; an elderly man was frantically asking if Jisung was alright and examining every corner of his body. He hastily apologized again, excusing himself to call a tow truck. He asked if an ambulance was necessary too, but Jisung only smiled politely and assured he was alright.

"You did it again."

Minho let out a very manly scream and grabbed his chest. He was met with the pissed off face of his secretary. He had noticed that he'd been seeing that exact expression - a scowl with downwards turned lips - too often for his own good lately.

Seungmin was enraged, his hands curled into fists, ready to punch Minho right in the nose. "I already told you not to and you still do whatever the fuck you want." He squeezed the elder's cheeks looking completely lost. "You absolute moron, you shouldn't mess with the Gods' plans. I'm getting overworked because of you."

Minho, who had now recovered from shock, smiled sweetly and placed his finger on the younger's lips. "Hush now, sweetheart, we'll figure it out later. I only have one mental breakdown scheduled for today."

Seungmin grit his teeth. "If you don't remove your hand, I'll bite you. Try me, you ass."

Minho sent a challenging look in his direction, but quickly removed his hands when he heard a low growl come from Seungmin's throat together with a insinuation of a bite. God, Seungmin in all his composed glory could be a barbarian at times.

"I'm already dead, you can't kill me, Seungminnie," he hurriedly reminded him with a painful grin. He patted Seungmin's head and blew him a kiss. "Now I think I need to check on our beloved Jisung. I dropped him. That wasn't nice."

Minho turned around swiftly, throwing the lower end of his coat behind him. He crossed the road to the other side, tipping the hat up slightly. After he made sure the other male could see him, he collected all his courage and put on a feign look concern.

"Oh no! Are you alright?!" he shouted and used his best fake acting skills. He gasped when he saw the cut on Jisungs cheek that he obviously wasn't the cause of, both hands covering his hanging mouth.

Jisung was not impressed. He had his lips pressed into a thin line and a glare piercing the other man's skull. "Excuse you, mister, but if you're going to pretend to care, could you at least act a little better?"

He quickly covered the wound on his face and swiftly got back up. "Goodbye, kind sir."

"No, wait!" Minho spluttered, "are you really okay? I got some bandages in my pocket."
He fumbled around his jacket and smiled proudly when he found what he was looking for.

Jisung's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why... do you carry that in your... jacket?"

He shuffled away a little, gaze never leaving this weirdo.

"You never know when humanity could be in need of a band-aid," Minho replied coolly. He looked like a weird now. A psychopath who hurt people and then offered them aid. Classic.

Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Why do you care so much? You obviously didn't give a shit like," he quickly looked at his phone, "three minutes ago."

He took a step forward and inspected Minho intensely, scanning him from top to bottom. Jisung crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one leg. "You look sketchy, what's with the hat and the long coat?"

"Fashion." Minho cleared his throat awkwardly, leaning back a bit. He was definitely not used to physical contact and Jisung breathing in his face was making him feel highly uncomfortable.

"If-if you don't mind," he stuttered. He wanted nothing more than to vanish into thin air, "could you please step out of my personal space?"

"Hmph, fine," Jisung huffed. He turned his body away from the other male with a pout. "You know, you seem familiar. I've seem you somewhere before." He squinted his eyes, trying to think where he could possibly have seen such a creep.

Minho smiled an uneasy smile, holding up the band-aid with two hands. "Haha, I don't think so. Really don't need it? Well, I think you do it's a pretty bad cut, yeah," he rambled on while fumbling with the plaster in his hands. "Yep, you definitely need it."

He smacked it on Jisung's face, leaving the younger in shock, eyes wide due to his surprise. "Goodbye, clean your wound later. Don't want infections, now do we, haha."

Just like that the Reaper ran off into a close-by alleyway. He disappeared from sight, melting into the shadows.

"What the fuck," Jisung mumbled to himself, unconsciously holding his cheek. He then shrugged it off and continued to make his way home, too tired to think about what happened.

Both of them never noticed a certain librarian peeping around the corner. He lifted his glasses off the bridge of his nose rubbing his eyes. His intuition had been correct. It seemed he would be meeting him again soon. "Seo Changbin, what have you gotten yourself into?"

We finally got a minsung interaction (°°)

a kinda lousy one but uhm... romance?

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