School Tour

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In the morning Ski woke up just in time to unset all the alarms, but they still ended up going, and somehow getting there 10 minutes early. She guessed they knew she'd put up a fuss. Rumours went round when the school first opened,  that it was a crap school, but really fun? It was a boarding school, and apparently, on the brochure it was a really good school, and had all these GCSE and A-Level options...blah, blah, blah. Sounded like any other boring old school to her. The head teacher's name was Mr Jeffreys, and he was really strict.

Mr Jeffreys was really hot. His soul seemed to shine through his glowing skin and his dark eyes made Ski weak at the knees. He was fair few inches taller than Ski, and he was very muscular, with a perfectly symmetrical face. He had a dimple on his right cheek when he smiled, which was often, but you could tell he was really happy because of the shine in his eyes. His chocolatey brown hair wasn't slicked back with hair gel like most men his age, thank god!  

"Welcome! So we will get right to it! We provide all of the key STEM subjects, as well as art, food tech, DT, music, French, and, erm, a few other subjects" He started with, leading us to a Science classroom. There were posters on all the walls that seemed to have been rolled over other surfaces, and the tables were very uneven. 

"That sounds interesting," Mum started, "other subjects, I wonder..." Ski gave her a dirt. She did not want to be here, she'd rather be cleaning the whole house with nothing but my hands.

Mr Jeffreys led them through to all the classrooms, and all of them were similar. The posters were wonky, and bumpy, and the tables looked like they were hurriedly put together. We ended the tour in the Food Tech classroom. There were 15 clean ovens and sinks, that looked like they were barely used. As we were leaving the class room, I caught a glance on lacy fabric in the corner of the classroom. I drifted apart from our group, and saw a......bra? In a Food Tech Classroom of all places?

"Come on, " Ski's Mum said, not noticing the piece of underwear, "We don't want to drift apart"

On the journey home Ski couldn't think of anything except the bra. Why was it there? Why was if off? What the heck?


A/N : Hiiii, I know i'm a crap writer but it would mean the world to me if you voted on my story, and gave me a shout out. If there's any mistakes, big or small, please either dm me or comment it.

Thank you, love y'all!

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