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redhead.ev : <3
tagged: potterishotter
comments :
potterishotter : <3
marlene.mck : when is the wedding ?? i wanna be maid of honor.
siriuslygay : I'm best man.
potterishotter : you will be Pads.
siriuslygay : omg yeees
marlene.mck : hold up there is going to be a wedding ???!?
redhead.ev : not... yet
potterishotter : aww lils u wanna marry me oneday ??
redhead.ev : of course i love u
siriuslygay : they're growing up so fast. ;)
meadowes.dorc : AWWWW GOALS :))
lupin.lupout : cutieees

DON'T listen to "Laughter lines" while thinking of the marauders i was sobbing..

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