Story 23

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Wether or not you believe in Demonic Possession or Demonic Influence is your own opinion, the question of it's reality and existence isn't just a matter of "opinion" for me, but the down right truth. If you want to here a real life story that will surely get you thinking about the reality of the battle between "Good and Evil" "Demons and Angels" & "God vs Satan", then feel free to read on... Everyone's soul is at stake.

I have a deep, heavy, and long real life personal story and experience that I would like to share with all of you.

October 12th 2008, my brother died (we were extremely close, he was 24 and I was 23 at the time, I am 26 now) Just to add to this disaster, my best friend died 6 months later, both in freak accidents, my brother killed on his motorcycle, this is what happens when another biker makes an illegal U-turn right in front of your path while driving on a highway with no were to go, both dead) and my best friend on a boat that crashed into another boat on memorial day weekend, dead. To say the least, my entire world and reality was ripped apart and everything I thought I knew and wanted in life was completely shattered and changed forever. This is when everything changed.

I was put to the test, my mind, my body, my spirit, and soul. If I was too get through this It was going to take everything in me, every bit of strength that I could obtain, it was my only chance if I wanted to continue with life. I was put on a path, a path that would require me to understand Death and the afterlife as much as possible, the real hard stuff in life (stuff that we really won't ever fully understand until we get to that point ourselves)

I began what felt like a never ending quest of seeking the truth to what's beyond this world and looking for answers from God until I got what I was looking for, it really wasn't a choice at this point, it was the direction my mind was going and I was going along with it for the ride one way or the other, it's not like I could just "let it go and move on". I was a wreckless alcoholic at that point, I could probably down half a handle of vodka if not more in a day no problem just to wash away some of the pain to avoid the reality of my life. I was spiritual progressing every single day and it began opening up a lot of new gateways and answers, both good and bad realities. I knew for certain of God's existence through personal experiences, as well the Devil's existence And the struggle between Good and Evil and seriousness of it all, which ultimately boils down to the fight over each and everyone of our souls for eternity.

Shortly after these disasters I was fortunate enough to get very close with a previous friend of mine, Kelly, I knew her since we were kids and we use to go to church together. We both started to really hangout a little while after all this went down, she became my Girlfriend and she was there for me while I really didn't have anyone else that could hold my heart through this, not the way I needed at least. It was like we were both magnetically drawn to each other the first time I saw her at my friends funeral, almost as if God was pushing us towards each other Everything was just amazing in the beginning Though she had many of her own issues going on as well It didn't seem to matter to me, we were each others rock, nothing could get between us and I loved her so much, my heart felt something again and it was warm when I was with her and I felt like I could maybe survive this and have a chance at a happy life again. I helped her, she helped me. Well after about 5-6 months of being together, she started really worrying me at this point in our relationship, the last 2 years of her life were pretty hellish as well, she would cut herself and attempted suicide a few times and went into hospital treatments several times those years before I was with her, she started bringing up these things with me how she was starting to get extremely depressed again (feeling suicidal) and was really wanting to cut herself, etc... I was very emotionally and physically connected to her, I wanted to help her more than anything in the world, the love I felt for her I knew I needed her to be ok and happy, even if it would be difficult, the word difficult doesn't even come close to describing how hard it really became. I asked God for answers and told him I would do anything to help this girl I love. Talking with her and telling her I knew she could get through this and these suicidal feelings would pass and trying to lift her spirits through words just didn't seem to work... I took another approach.

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