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The huge man carried me down to the ground floor, since apparently I still wasn't trusted to have the ankle chains taken off. We arrived in a big room with polished floorboards, leather seats, small coffee tables and black duck tape forming a line in the centre of the room. At the line where girls, some a bit older than me and some way older than me. The youngest one I could pick out was a blonde haired girl around 18, and the eldest in her early 30's. I was kicking against the huge man as much as the chains would let me, but he just dropped me to the ground in the line. I quickly got up, and looked at the occupants in the leather chairs. They were all men in business suites with glasses of beer.

"Alright, first one up is this girl," the big man pointed at me, and my stomach twisted with disgust.

"£150,000" I heard someone yell.

"250,000" Another one said.


"Come on guys, the boss wants more than that!" The big man said with a smile.

"I'll give you £600,000," said a cold voice from the back of the room. Everyone looked up in surprise at a man in his mid 20's who walked down the room to me.

"3...2...1... sold!"

Note: I tolerate constructive criticism and any spelling/grammar mistakes, but any negative or hateful shit will be deleted.

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