♛A little guide on how to find your style and rock it everyday. Remember that fashion is an art, so do it your way.
💁🏽What to look for
♛whatever makes you feel like you
♛appropriate clothing
♛comfortable clothing
♛affordable clothing
♛items by your favourite brands👗Choose what it'll contain
♛tops (t-shirt, crop top)
♛bottoms (pants, shorts, skirt)
♛one-pieces (dress, jumpsuit)
♛shoes (sneakers, heels, boots)
♛accessories (scarf, headband, belt)
♛jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet)👀Look for inspiration
♛from models
♛from fashion icons
♛on Pinterest/Instagram🛍Buying
♛find an outfit you like online then search where to buy each item
♛make a wish list of things you want
♛make sure you saved up enough (or have a parent that's willing to finance you 😁)
♛don't buy everything at once, fill up your closet bit by bit👉🏽Take a quiz
♛It'll help orientate you towards your style but don't forget to personalize and wear things how you wanthttps://www.google.ca/search?q=https://thegreyedit.com/style-edit-quiz/%3Fgclid=EAIaIQobChMIvff54KPN3gIVjaOzCh2MCwL6EAMYASAAEgIHPvD_BwE&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ca&client=safari
Heels or sneakers?
Fashion Queen
RandomEverything and anything a Queen must know to dress to impress. ♛Look your best. Feel your best. Act your best.♛