Chapter 3

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Amy's P.O.V

Driving back to Domi's house felt like the longest journey I had ever taken. Texts kept coming through on my phone telling me they knew I would get it. Pulling up in the drive way I saw a large banner that said "CONGRATULATIONS" on it. It made my eyes well up. Suddenly a text came through on my phone from an unknown number. It read "hi its logan you did really well today i was wondering if I could talk to you face to face?"

I stared at phone fir a while before running into the house screaming to the girls "LOGAN WANTS TO MEET ME!"

They all crowded around my phone and Domi typed in her address. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind : why does he want to meet me, when, is this a joke? I would soon find out though wouldn't I?

Domi's P.O.V

I looked at the text from Logan and took Amy's phone and started typing. After 2 minutes I wrote a good text message and sent it.

"Well, should we get this party started?" I say and we all start to laugh.

Logan's P.O.V

After about 10 minutes I got a message back saying "yeah sure! Do you want to come to a party we're having, it's just a celebration! Nothing big, my cousin said you can come. This is the address: 263 Cottage Drive, Oxford. Be here in about 1 hour?xx" (A/N: This is a made up address!)

Well, now I need to get ready!

Domi's P.O.V

"When is Logan coming round then?" Sinead asks.

"About an hour, I invited him and said to be here in a hour. So yeah," I reply. Everyone nods and we all sit on the sofa and go on our phones. We're so social, aren't we?

I was zoned out day dreaming about how amazing it must be to start workin with your celebrity crush. I thought things like that only happen in fan fictions. Normally, that's what happens but not in real life. It must be amazing! What if I got to meet Leondre? That would be just perfect but he hasn't even noticed me on Twitter so you know! I snapped out of my day dream when someone said my name.

"Huh?" I said really confused.

"What were you thinking about?" Hannah asks.

"Nothing!" I quickly replied, maybe a bit too quickly.


"Carry on the sentence and you're dead!" I replied. Don't get me wrong, I love Leah since she's my step sister but she doesn't have to shout that out.

"Awwwh! Someone's blushing!" Amy says. How am I related to them two?

"Shut up! You're the who's going to be working with their celebrity crush," I say back.

"Jealous! You're jealous I get you work with him and you can't work with Leondre," that's how our little cousin argument went on.

~1 hour later~

*knock knock*

I get up from the sofa and make my way towards the door. I open it to reveal a ahock looking Logan.

"Umm, sorry I probably got the wron addr-"

"No you didn't, Amy's inside with everyone else. My names Domi and I'm Amy's cousin, come in," I say and mive so that he is able to enter.

"AMY! LOGAN IS HERE!" I shout, smile at Logan and motion for him to follow me.

We walk into the living room where the girls turned up the music realy loud. No wonder they didn't hear me...

"Oi! Logan is here, are you gonna say hi?" I say. They all smile and wave. Amy goes and sits next to Logan and they talk for while. I just decide to join in with the girls with dancing and singing. Well, more like they are attempting to do but are failing. We just laugh and carry on.

Amy's P.O.V

I sit down next to Logan while the girls just mess around. We talk about the film for a while.

Out of the blue he asks me, "Can I ask you something?" I look at him confused but nod my head to tell him to carry on.

"This is probably a really time to ask but would you like to go to Soccer Six tomorrow? My friends asked me to come and watch and gave lots of tickets for me and some friends to go and see them there. So I was wondering if you could come with me?" He asks me.

"That would be amazing, of course I'll come with you! Wair, no sorry I can't just leave my friends, we were planning on going together next year when we have enough money to go as a whole group..." I say. You probably think I'm mental rejecting that kind of invite but remember: sisters before misters.

"Oh, you can invite them all. I'm sure they would love to come with. They can meet the celebrities there plus I've got enough of tickets and V.I.P passes for them all," he continues.

"Are you sure?" I ask him and he simply nods his head, "okay then! I'm sure they'll love to come!"

"That's great! Well, I will pick you and the girls up at 5am and we'll head to London?" Logan says.

"Yeah, sounds great!" I say and we walk to the door. We say our goodbyes and he leaves.

Domi's P.O.V

"GIRLS!" Amy runs in screaming.

"What is it this time? Did Logan ask you out?" I say teasingly.

"No, don't be stupid! He asked if you guys and I wanted to go to Soccer Six with him tomorrow. Oh and I said yes and he's picking us all up at 5am!" She says really quickly.

I take a few seconds registering what Amy just said and then start screaming, then Amy and Leah join me and then one by one we all end up screaming.

"Well, it's like..." I turn to look at the clock, "10pm now. Let's go and get some sleep for tomorrow if we're gonna wake up at 3am."

"3am? Why so early?" Sinead moans.

"How long did it take us to get ready this morning? And this is soooooo exciting and we need face paint for the teams and stuff," I say hoping she gets the idea. Eveyone 'oohhs' and we head upstairs. They take the guest rooms while Leah and I head to our bedrooms.

I slip on my pyjamas and lay in bed on my phone scrolling through Twitter. Being the stalker I am, I go to the Bas and Melody twitter account. That's where I see the tweet.

The tweet:

@barsamdmelody : looking forward to seeing @logan_lerman at @SoccerSix tomorrow. He's brining some friends, looking forward to meeting them! Love you bambinos♡~Leo

I think I died! I quickly favourite and retweet their tweet! Then I tweet them myself.

My tweet:

@_official_domi_ : @barsamdmelody @logan_lerman @SoccerSix I'm one of Logan's friends and I'm coming with him! Omg! I'm thanking @TheAmyStar for auditioning for her role! Can't wait to see you Leo!xx

I tweet that and carry on scrolling down. Suddenly my notifications go crazy. That's not normal! I look and see people favouriting and retweeting something I've been tagged in. I click on the link to see what it is. I froze and the phone fell right onto my face...

The tweet:

@barsamdmelody : @_official_domi_ looking forward to meeting you then princess!♡~Leo

I favourited and retweeted and put my phone charge.Right then I fell asleep into an amazing dream thag would be soon disturbed by my alarm at 3am...


A/N: the twitter names: @logan_lerman and @ItsAmyStar are made up so you can use them. The rest are real!

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