Cartoon Network The New City Era

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Author's note: This story is about the Cartoon Network City Era, and it crosses over the Cartoon cartoons, and tells about their feelings towards the changes. This story is centered mostly around the Cartoon Cartoons then the other shows that were airing on CN at the time. Okay, so let's get this story started!

It all begins at Double D's house. He was waking up in his bed, after getting a good night's sleep of about 8 hours, and he is ready to go see his pals, as well as the other Cartoon Cartoons.

"Ah, what a lovely morning. It has been over 5 years now since our show began on Cartoon Network, and they have been so supporting to us!" He said, as he then made is bed as nice as it could be, and headed to the shower to get his day started. After he got out of the shower he said, "Ah, time for a another marvelous day at Cartoon Network." He then went downstairs and headed for the door.

He opened the door and walked out of the house walking through the Cul-De-Sac, but something was different. He noticed a city was around the Cul-De-Sac. ,It was a CGI city, and that was Cartoon Network City. "Oh, my lord, this is certainly new..." He said surprised. "I got to go tell Ed and Eddy about this!" He then ran over to Eddy's.

Eddy was in his shower listening to music, and washing with a scrub brush, and soap, as he was in "Over Your Ed" Double D then knocked at the door, "Eddy, Eddy are you awake yet? I got something important to show you!" He stated.

Eddy just then was getting out of the shower and said, "Oh, yeah baby! Nothing like a shower to get You ready for the new day," He then heard the knock at the door. "Hold your horses, I'm coming."He said as he walked to the door. He opened up and said with a smile. "Hey Double D, what's happinin'?"

"Eddy, Cartoon Network Headquarters have made a remarkable surprising change" Double D stated in shock.

Eddy walked out of his house, looked around and asked,"What are you talking about sockhead?" He then noticed the City by the Cul-De-Sac. His eyes lit up in shock, "What the heck! What's with the change? What happened to all Cartoon Network's Power House stuff, and their cool settings? That made it a good place to work for 5 years. We don't have to stand for this." He ranted.

"Well, Eddy, we're on most chances going to get cancelled, unless our creator decides to change the original 4 season deal, and our series finale is going to air sometime is year." Double D reminded Eddy.(Yes, this story takes place before season 5 was ordered)

"But aren't we at least getting holiday specials?" Eddy asked.

"Well, that would be interesting to change our show to a different time setting." Double D wondered as he was scratching his head.

Ed then ran by Eddy's house to see is pals, as he was very excited about the new city. "Eddy Double D!" He shouted. He then hugged them and said in excitement,"New City guys! Those cartoon network peoples did something cool. Or maybe it's a sign that monsters or invaders are in charge of the channel we once knew and love!"

"Shut up Ed." Eddy interrupted. Eddy then thought that maybe a city life with the other Cartoon Network shows might not be to bad. He then said. "Guys let's give this new change a chance I guess. I mean we might have to deal with this for a while in reruns." Eddy suggested.

They then took a walk throughout the city, and it was a pretty nice view. They saw allot of Cartoon Cartoons in the city, as well as some of the Cul-De-Sac kids. "Wow, look at this place!" Eddy said. They then spotted Dexter walking into an electronic store, "Hey, Dexter. He might know something about this new thing. You should go talk to him Double D. You're pretty good friends with him." Eddy suggested, "Me and Ed are gonna look around."

Double D then walked into the electronic store, and he looked around and saw Dexter looking for some stuff for his lab. "Oh, my word, this place is quit intriguing." He said to himself. He then walked to Dexter to talk to him." Greetings Dexter. I was wondering about what your thoughts are on this big change that has accrued on this channel."

Dexter smiled and said in a German accent, "Oh, hello Double D, longtime no see. Yes, I to was surprised about this whole crazy change in the Cartoon Network settings, so I did some research in my lab and found out it was part of this relaunch. Apparently they're wanting to be cooler and change and such stuff."

"Oh, dear," Double D said nervously, as he had a feeling not much good would come out of this. "But if they are making drastic changes, that means it's a possibility that they're going to jump on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel's acursive bandwagon, Oh, this is not good..." He panicked.

Dexter stayed more comely and continued to explain as Double D was taking deep breaths trying to calm Down. "I don't think the Cartoon Network staff would be stupid enough to imitate Nickodeon's mistake of switching to teen sitcom nonsense... why I even heard Nickelodeon is ending several of their classics this year, and that is not a good move."

Dexter then grabbed his supplies and went to perches it. "Now I will say one good thing about this change is that I got this place to come to whenever my stupid sister DeeDee is screwing up my lab. I don't know how many times I have to tell that girl to stay out of my freakin' secret laboratory..."

"It's hearing things like that make me glad I'm an only child," Double D said. "Well, I'll talk to you later Dexter. I got to tell Ed and Eddy the big news." He then walked out of the store, as he went to look for Ed and Eddy.

He then ran into Eustace, who walked out of a store close by, and he was carrying a bottle of vinegar for Muriel, "Hey, watch it you dang kid," Eustace said in his usual grumpy tone. "Hey, you're one of those Ed, Edd n Eddy whipper snappers aren't ya?"

"I'm terribly sorry sir," Double D said politely. "And yes, it's me Eddward Double D. Me and my friends are adjusting to this new city life."

Eustace then scratched his head while holding the vinegar in his other hand, and then said. "Well, I'll tell you one thing, if it ain't broke don't fix it. This network is heading for a lousy stinkin' downfall." He then walked over to his truck.

Meanwhile, in Eustace's truck Courage was in the passenger seat, and he looked around the big city, he then said to himself, "What's with this change? Something's going on here, and I'm gonna find out what or my name is Clifford the big red dog, and thank goodness it's not." Eustace the walked into his truck and drove off.

Just then Eddy came running to Double D, "Double D! You're not gonna believe this!" He shouted in excitement.

"What in heaven's name is it Eddy," Double D asked.

Eddy grabbed Double D with one hand, and then said. "Just let me show ya..."

Eddy then takes him to the great thing that he was talking about, and it was a new candy store, and they were having a free sell on certain candy, and Jawbreakers were one of them! Eddy then put Double D down smiling at him raising his eyebrows, as Double D's eyes lit up and he was speechless in shock. Eddy then said, "Free Jawbreakers Double D."

After a few seconds of them drooling as they were looking at the Jawbreakers, through the window of the store, they then made a mad dash into the store. "Oh, I can't wait to taste house mouth watering candy spheres." Double D said, while drooling.

Stay turn for chapter 2 witch should come soon, and please review! I can use pionters to improve.

Cartoon Network The New City EraWhere stories live. Discover now