Chapter 1; The Akatsuki

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Warui's POV:

Once again I was 6, reliving the death of my parents.
"Asuki we are so proud of you!" My mother said as my father wrapped his arm around her waist. Asuki beamed up at them, reveling in the praised.

"Did I do good?" I asked, naive and sad- yet hopeful as I was every time. 
They turned to me with only hate filling their eyes, "Is it talking to us?" My mother squealed out.
"Don't talk to us you freak!" My father screamed, "You are taking the attention away from our child!"
'Child', 'They don't even consider me their child'.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as a sudden surge of power washed over me. Quickly I sent a voltage of lightning to each of their bodies; paralyzing them. Their eyes widened at me, fear evident and it nearly made me double over and laugh. I quickly formed the hand signs for a fireball and light each of them on fire. As I walked from the house their screams were sweet music to my ears.

I fled from the scene with just the clothes on my back and ash on my face. 

~End Nightmare~

I jumped upright with a soft gasp passing my lips. I glanced at the clock; 'only 4:50 A.M.' i thought before i hesitantly shifted from the warm embrace of my bed. I walked to the bathroom by my mirror and took a good look at my reflection. Although I was now a woman of 18 my reflection in the mirror was always the little girl of 6 I used to be; ash in her hair and a permanent sadistic smile on her face.

I quickly turned the tap and splashed cold water on my face, but the little girl never left. I walked off to my shower and did my daily routine as if on auto pilot; shower, brush hair + teeth, makeup, and then clothes.
Once I finally brought myself back to consciousness I was in my kitchen, staring endlessly out my window at the park below. 

As I made my way towards the normally empty park I noticed two people- a blue haired woman and a red haired man, both with black cloaks that had red clouds on them. I ignored them and continued on my merry way, reverting back to my 6 year old self in a moment of relapse. 
"Excuse me." The woman said curtly as I brushed past her, however I just ignored the sentiment. 
"I said excuse m-Oh. Your'e just a kid." Her eyes seemed to soften up at the sight of my now 6 year old version. {sometimes when she is mindlessly doing something she reverts into a state which causes her to appear as a 6 year old child with ash dusting her face and a sadistic smile permanent on her lips}

"Hello" I spoke clear and with a small hint of malice as I kept constant eye contact with the woman before reverting back into my 18 year old self. She jumped back in surprise and the mans eyes widened.
"How did you-"she started
"I am a good girl. That's what mommy always said." 

The pair exchanged a look and the man began to leave before the woman stopped him, whispering something into his ear before he let out a sigh. 
"Where is your mother?" the bluenette questioned in a soft tone

"Oh, her? I killed her, along with my father and my sister." I let out a quick laugh as her eyes widened, "A nasty bunch they were; always yelling and cursing at me. Too bad they were flammable!" My voice raised an octave or two as I gleefully recalled the tale to the two strange personas.

The duo exchanged another look, however this time they seemed to agree on whatever it was the girl had mentioned before.
"Come with us." The man said, his tone firm and demanding. 'He reminds me of my father'. 
"What he means is I am Konan, this is Pein-Sama. We would like you to join our organization; The Akatsuki."

I kept eye contact with the woman for an uncomfortable amount of time before I spoke.
"Sure." and I started on my trek towards where I figured they were headed, but then I stopped. "And my name is Warui Kokkai, ya know."

They nodded, yet the woman seemed a bit apprehensive to leave. "Do you not want to grab your belongings?" She asked, glancing in the direction I came from.
"Why?" I asked, "Belongings are tangible and unnecessary." I sounded so mature, to bad I am going to ruin it.
"Besides, i'm a good girl and good girls don't need belongings they just need themselves, ya know!" I shouted, sticking my tongue out to show off my tongue ring.

"If you're finished may we be off?" Pein-Sama asked, well more like demanded.

"Why ask a question when you don't actually want me to answer the question?" I asked, tapping my finger to my chin as my brows furrowed.

Konan sighed, "Lets just go."

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