>of sirius the whore.

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a/n:  so the song at the side would be the best to describe marlene's home life, tbh.


        "Oi!  Marlene!"  I heard his shouts before I actually saw him.  How the hell does he manage to know where I am before he can see me?  Strange boy.

        I ignored his shouts, pulled my schoolbag a little further over my shoulder, and pressed on down the corridor with Lily, Alice and Dorcas.

        "You know, Marley, it's probably better for everyone's health if you just see what he wants-" Dorcas began.

        "I mean, he won't pine for you like some lovesick puppy if you acknowledge him."  Lily finished, grinning toothily at Dorcas.

        "Fine!"  I whisper-yelled.  I knew where this was going to lead anyway, we would fight, I would deem him a whore, and he would procclaim me to be a bitch.  Oh, the joy.   Alice, who had been quiet, aside from making a few coughing noises, that sounded like the covered up versions of words, giggled and high-fived Lily.  I swear those two have some sort of bet going on.

        I turned to face Sirius, slowly.  Ever so slowly.  "Yes, Sirius?"  I asked, exasperatedly.  He pulled a hand halfway towards his hair, seemed to realize how much like James Potter he looked, and dropped his hand back to his side, somehow not managing to look awkward or weird at all.  Just ever so casual.  Like always.

        "Look, Marlene, I just got a letter from my mother.  She wants us to pretend to date to make our families look more united.  I don't understand it, but I really can't argue with the woman, Merlin knows what she'd do if I did argue with her.  So, what d'you think?"

        "Erm ..."  I looked around the corridor, searching for words.  Decent, sarcastic comeback-styled words.  "Sure this isn't just an excuse to try and get into my pants, Black?"  There.  Teasing would do.  He's looking at me funny.  Crap, maybe I shouldn't've said that.

        'Picture, picture, smile for the picture, pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?'

        "Would you like to look at the letter, McKinnon?"  Sirius snapped.  Oh, so he wasn't fucking with me!  Well ... this is awkward.

        'D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E, I see things that nobody else see.'  Clearly not.  Very clearly not.

        "No, sorry.  I'm - I can't do anything right."  I grumbled.  Sirius's eyes sofened ever so slightly, and he shook his head almost imperceptibly.  I was grateful for this.  "Okay ... okay, Black.  I'll do it.  I'll pretend to be your girlfriend."  Sirius grinned hugely.

        "You realize that it'd involve kissing, right?"  Shit.  Shit, shit, shit.  I wiped the horror off my face and shrugged.

        "I'm sure you can handle it, Sirius."  And with that, I stood up onto tiptoe and kissed his cheek.  "Good enough for you, Black?"  I smiled.

        "Sure - don't forget though, you are still a bitch, Marley."

        "As if I'd expect any different from you.  But you're still a whore."  I flicked his forehead and chased off down the corridor after my friends.


"And what is the enchantment to produce water out of the end of your wand ... Miss McKinnon?"  Flitwick squeaked.  Stupid tiny person.  Not that I am much taller than him, but still - stupid tiny person.

        "Agumenti, Sir."  I replied, in a completely bored and unentusiastic tone.  Yay me!

        "And would you like to show us how this is performed, Miss McKinnon?"  Wow, how did Flitwick get his voice so squeaky?  It's very disturbing.

        "Not particularly, Sir."  I raised an eyebrown and smiled archly, daring him.  C'mon Professor, get angry.  Your angry voice amuses me.

        "McKinnon!"  Flitwick tried to bark (note the 'tried'.), but all that happened was his voice rose a few octaves, causing me to snort a little, and Lily to go bright pink, trying to conceal her laughter as a tremendous coughing fit.  "Agumenti!  Now!"

        Well, to be honest, he did tell me to.  I aimed my wand, so it was pointed directly at his tiny chest.  "Agumenti."  I whispered, smirking.  A strong jet of water hit him in the chest, causing him to fly off the stack of books he had perched on top of.  The entire Charms classroom erupted into roars of gleeful laughter.  I caught the Marauders sending me appreciative grins and I winked back.

        Once Flitwick had managed to scramble back up onto his books and cast some sort of spell over himself to dry off, he screeched; "McKinnon, Black!  Detention!"

        "What?!"  Sirius gasped.  "I didn't do anything!"  He sounded so indignant, it was like he had never had a detention before.  Honestly.

        "You looked at her too much."  Flitwick said grimly.  Merlin, does he expect Sirius to just look at James for an hour?  He sits right behind me!  It's not his choice if he looks at me or not!  I detest this school so much, sometimes.  Except from the magic part.  And the friends.  And the fact that I get away from home and my parents.  It's only my brother that I see here.  Thank Merlin.


        "Urgh, McKinnon, you got me into this detention - you can do the work."  Sirius frowned, angrily.  "I bet I'm missing Prongs trying to hit on Evans.  That's always a laugh."

        "Wait.  You lot think Lily's a joke?  Some little plaything to piss about with when it amuses you?  You disgusting pigs."  I glared at him, my eyebrows creasing up, frown lines vaguely showing along my forehead.  I'm too young for frown lines!

        "No, that's not what I was -."  Sirius began defensively, but I cut him off.

        "Find it funny when you get a rise out of her, do you?  Pathetic.  Think she's just going to snap and go out with Potter when she gets fed up of him, so you can all laugh when he drops her?"  I opened and closed my mouth a few times goldfish-like, but I was too angry to get the words out.  Fuming was a better word, really.  Angry tears almost - almost leaked out of the corners of my eyes.


        "You know what, Black?  I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you are a fucking cactus."  I could actually form words now, at least.  Sirius snorted disbelievingly at that.

        "Well I think you'll find that I'm a very fit cactus, thank Merlin."  His eyebrows were arched, like this was too easy for him.

        "Fucking gimp."  He almost spat out his chewing gum in anger at this one.

        "McKinnon, if you call me that again, I will fucking throw you out of this window."  His words were so laced with vemon that I recoiled a little, and it sent shivers down my spine.  It was the seventh floor.

        "Whatever.  I'm leaving."  I spat.

        "The door's right there, sweetheart."  I flipped him off over my shoulder and barged out of the door, out of detention, away from Sirius.  The gimp.

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