Chapter One:

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"Hush- now! Pay attention!" you snap to the two kids in the back of your classroom. You turn around and continue to write on the board with a smile as you speak your lesson. "Yes, a hero is many things. Bold, brave, and strong- however; what separates us from evil in this world is our integrity, and honor. Our morals define us and who we are as heroes." You look at the clock above and see that class is about to end. As you finish writing on the board, you conclude your class, "Do not forget guys- your projects will be presented this Friday. I have high expectations for them because you have had ample time to work on them-" The loud bell cuts you off and you continue louder over the sounds of people shuffling their stuff and packing up. "I am looking forward to hearing about the least integral thing you think a hero could do. Have a nice rest of your Monday!" You smile standing at the door, waving at your students as they exit your class. After everyone leaves, you commute to your desk and right as you sit down, your buzzer in your pocket starts going off. You jump up and answer it. "What's the problem-" You're cut off the a loud boom on the other side of the call.

"Quickly y/n! You need to come down to Lakewood Plaza- there's not time to explain. We just need you!" The caller quickly hangs up. From what you could hear, it sounded like Silver Spark, calling for backup. You rush through your door and down the hallways, squeaking loudly when making sharp turns. You reach the front of the school where you press a button on your phone and your cars pulls up by itself. You jump into your car and speak into it,

"Bring me to Lakewood Plaza, fast." As your car drives itself to the plaza, you make an attempt to call Carol to check in. No answer. Worried, you turn off the self driving mode and floor it yourself. After what felt like a lifetime of a high-speed chase, you arrive to the plaza to see nothing happening. You open your convertible door and step out with your hands on your hips. "She better not be playing with me, crying wolf..." You hear a loud explosion as the ground below you shakes. "The glorb tree-" You yell to yourself as you rush to the entrance to the tunnel. Running in, you are blinded by a bright light from another explosion. You raise your arm to cover your face. You slowly lower your arm and open your eyes to see a large robot being controlled by a little green mouse girl, letting out an unpleasant and clamorous laugh. She stands up from her seat in the controls of the robot.

"HAHAHA Lakewood losers! Get ready to feel my real wrath!" She takes a glorb and hold it up to her neck as her collar absorbs it. You look over to see Carol and Eugene, beat up, getting into fighting positions, along with a blue teenage alien and a young boy, whom Carol introduced as her son a while back. The mouse girl starts levitating and transforming as they all stand back. I look back at them, in their positions and yell to them,

"Are y'all just going to stand there and watch? She's gaining more power!" You spring into action, launching a punch at her. She swiftly dodges it as you bounce off the rocky ceiling of the cave to come right back at her, landing a fist from behind, sending her into the floor. She quickly rises and runs around, flashing from place to place as the others finally take action, chasing her. The robot comes to her aid, wiping them out leaving them cripples on the ground, unable to move. You easily take out the robot with one move and glare at the mouse girl, who stands there in shock.

"You may have defeated the mega-Darrel bot, but here's some genuine, organic pain!" She quickly lands punches on you, one after the other that you block with both your arms. She lands one last punch that sends you back a few feet. You swiftly kick her with a powerful force, as her power up fades, leaving her defenseless.

"Alright, it's time to end this! I'm done with your games." You speak to her in a firm voice. You harness energy into the palm of your hand and form a fist as you raise your arm. You look up to see the others standing up and recovering. The boy yells to you and points behind you. A large shadow covers you from behind. Right as you were about to turn around, Another giant Darrel-bot hits you hard, causing you to collapse. You roll onto your back, barely able to move.

"Fuck...," You mutter to yourself, in a hushed voice. You open your eyes and squint looking straight up at the robot, lifting it's arm and hardly lift your head to see the heroes rushing to your aid before being knocked out cold. You slowly open your eyes and look around as you place your hand on your head to support your headache, feeling gauze wrapped around your head. "Uuugh, where am I?" You ask yourself quietly. You rub your eyes and look around as you stand up. You look around the petite, dull room with nothing but a bed, table and a full length mirror in it. You reach into your inside pocket for your phone, but all of your pockets were emptied. Even the secret, hidden ones. You walk over to the door, but only got a few feel before you were yanked back by a leash and collar tied around your neck. You pull on it, trying to free yourself, and try to break it, failing every time. Giving up on the idea of freeing yourself, you make your way over to the mirror on the opposing side of the room. You look back at yourself in surprise, seeing the gauze wrapped around your head soaked with blood. You don't feel any pain- just a mild headache. You begin to unwrap the white colored red gauze, staring at yourself in the mirror. About to reveal your wound, you hear a voice coming from behind, at the door. You didn't even hear the door open.

"You might not want to do that-" a deep and smooth voice calls. You were startled, and before you could even get a look at who it was, the door shuts and you see a roll of gauze on the table that wasn't there before. 

Professor Venomous x Reader: Clandestine IntimacyWhere stories live. Discover now