Part 1 intro

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Mobile is ringing in a room.

A girl woke up sees caller name. It was showing dad. She avoids and sees date 5th June. It's her birthday.

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Same girl was walking on a road at nite. A masked person comes and kills her.

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Same girl woke up in a room. She was sweating.

Girl: was that dream? M not dead. (She sees date. It's 5th June) it means m going to die today?

She got scared.

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Girl: believe me. It's real.

Boy: how it's possible? It's just dream. Don't take it seriously. Let's celebrate ur b'day.

Girl: I wish it wud b a dream. Wat if not?

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Girl shouts: m frustrated. I can't take it anymore.

Boy: don't wry. We will find a solution.

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Boy2:I love u so much. I'll divorce my wife and we will marry soon.

Girl1: I love you too.

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Girl1 going in a garden.  That masked person appeared behind.

Story is taken from Hollywood movie. 

Tell ur views. If u like it then only I'll continue with little changes. 

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