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We pulled into a tight alley way, I parked the motorbike, I slipped the keys into my pocket next to riptide.

It has been about a day and a bit since we ate and our moods were lacking because of it.

We walks some blocks and then saw the Golden Arches.

"Can we get McDonald's, I soooooo hungry" pleaded Lita.

"You don't have to convince me"

Annabeth just furiously nodded. We sprinted down the block at full speed. Our hungry guiding us. We threw open the heavy doors and the smell of cheap fast food washed over us.

"Dang I'm so hungry I could eat our motorbike" I joked.

"I'm so hungry I could eat you" Annabeth gave me the crazy eyes... I slowly turned and walked to the counter.

"Umm what does it say on the menu" Lita whispered to me. I shrugged.

Three dyslexics walk into a McDonald's and can't order, such fun. I went with my ravenous gut.

"Can we get two cheeseburgers and a happy meal".

We sat at our booth and ate like wolves.

"This happy meal summoned me from the dead".

Lita joked and sunk back in her booth. "You know what's sad though"

"What" I asked

"I'm still hungry". We all nodded cause that's all demigods ever were.

With semi full stomachs, we walked back to our alleyway. We all tried not to step on cracks so our mother would be okay, then we proceed to slam our feet on lines so our fathers spines would be destroyed. Haha godly parents suck.

We turned into our alley and caught our breaths.

A woman in a tight black suit and mask, holding a very large sword stood over our motorbike. The way the sun glinted off the blade made my gut drop.

Annabeth and I drew our wepons and Lita brandished her small, freckled arms.

"Get off our bike lady-".

A pinching feeling started in my arms and flowed through my arms. I looked at my shoulder and a red dart stuck out of it. Annabeth was also looking at and identical one in her leg. We made shocked eye contact and then hit the ground very hard, so hard I fact that I lost Consciousness.


Ooh Styx my head hurt so much. My vision was fuzzy and a loud ringing was thundering in my ears.

My hand went to find my knife but it was gone. That woke me up. I got to my feet and then fell down again.

Through my heavy breathing and stricken gasps I screamed. "PERCY"

My voice echoed all around me. I needed to get back up again. I blinked stars out of my eyes and I found a cold wall to steady my shaking body against.

I was in a small room. It had cold metal walls and a concrete floor. A large mirror was on one wall. I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself.

I was in different clothing. I had a pure white athletic One piece on, a small golden rope was around my waist. It looked like and older Gracian style. I looked creepily like old statues of my mother, I don't like that.

I recalled where I was, and what's was happening around me. My brain flickered through ways to escape. The cell was air tight oorrr..

I turned around to face the mirror again. Or should I say window. I remember a movie I watched with my mortal brothers, how someone escaped a room.

Walked up to the mirror. I recalled how to tell if it's a normal mirror or a two way mirror.

Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, for it is a 2-way mirror!

I gently stroked the mirror. As I suspected my finger was directly touching my other finger. That means I can break through and also that someone HAS BEEN WATCHING ME. That made the fire in my chest ignite,

I brought my hand back and slammed it against the glass. No cracks. Again I pounded the glass, a small crack skittered out. I needed more power. I stepped back and gave the glass a strong roundhouse kick. Fractures webbed out from where my foot hit. I spun around with speed and mustered the stronger kick I could do.


the glass splintered and flew in all directions. I jumped back and saw the hidden side of the room. It had many tables facing my cell and a metallic door.

My pride was Boosted and I kept searching.


I jumped to my feet. The adrenaline in my veins was pumping and I was ready to get the person who stole our motorbike.

I was in a musty room. It had small windows at the top, and artificial light glinted through it.

I peeked on tippy goes to look out but as I tried to gather what I saw, I was startled.

"Hey shrimp get down" a gruff female voice growled. I spun on my toes and fell into a defensive stand, facing my captor.
A beautifully build woman stood at the door. She had long fawn hair in a braid and strong shoulders and Forearms, she wore old Grecian battle armour and held a pair of handcuffs.

"Look kid, I wanna make this easy. I'm not gonna hurt yah, I'm just gonna restrain you and take you to the prep room".

"Prep room?"

"Yeh now turn your back to me so I can cuff you".

She walked up to my back and stood close behind me, I sensed her reaching for my hand, I twisted my leg and swept her off her feet. I made a dash for the door and jumped out of the room.

A long metal hallway stood before me, I picked a random direction and started sprinting.

"ANNABETH, LITA" I called.

"HEY GURLS, GET THAT KID". The strong woman voice echoed around the hall. I turned a corner and was faced with two more strong lady's. One was tall and dark with a runners build, the other looked like those pro wrestlers, they both had daggers which wasn't good.

I drew riptide but then strong hands got me from behind. My wrists were tightly cuffed in a metallic brace.

"I wanted to make it easy kid but running like that wasn't wise."

I was lifted and fire mans held over the lady's shoulder.

I was looking at the woman's right food and the Linoleum floors, her muscular shoulder digging uncomfortably into my gut.

"What is this place and who are you".

"All I will say is that we are the Amazons and pulling and runner like that unwise kid, only gonna make thing harder for you."

"Amazon like the store?"

The woman gave a rough laugh to match her voice.

"Yeah kid like the store. We ain't no hunters of Artemis but I don't mind you kid but cheek like that to the queen is gonna get you killed."

We pushed through a door and the woman set me down. She turned and left, I heard a strong lock snap behind me.

I was left with four items on the table.

Long Nights - Percabeth FluffWhere stories live. Discover now