September the Eleventh

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September the Eleventh

* A work of fiction based on a confession that I’d read somewhere from one the of US citizens.

The one thing that I hated from my husband was his late habit, because truthfully I was a time freak girl who loved to be on time and wanted everyone to do the same. My husband was even late on his own wedding, making me almost cry. I though he was going to ditch me on the church.

When he appeared with disheveled bed-hair and slightly out-of- breath, my cry turned into rage. I just wanted to punch the hell out of him. Did I even mean something to him? I thought to myself in front of the altar, while glaring at him. Yet, he had the ball to smile sweetly at me - the smile that made me falling in love though.

At that time, a bad thought was occurring in my mind. Maybe I should cancel the wedding after all! Because I should look someone who would definitely appreciate me.

However, his speech changed my mind. "Baby, I know that you hate my tardiness, and I even late to my own wedding." That speech earned the laughter from the crowd, but a glare from me.

He looked at me and mumbled sorry, before continued talking. "I actually had the whole speech written and planned, but I threw it away, because ugh . . . tet's face it. I had to change the opening because I didn't plan to be late."

Another chuckle from the crowd and another glare from me were directed to him. I was almost . . . almost left him there and yelled, "Just married your fucking tardy-self!"

However, his next word stopped me from doing that.

"I'm so sorry that I can't change myself. I couldn’t count how many times I tried, but I just failed. There's no excuse for today. But, I have to explain myself. Last night, I couldn’t sleep because I thought about how lucky I am to have you. You accept me for who I am, my selfishness, my failure, my past, my everything," he slightly paused.

But I heard a bit when he mumbled, "except for my late habit." But, I wasn't too sure, so I just let it go. Otherwise maybe at that time I'd punch him right on his face.

Chuckling at the memory, I went back trying to remember what he said next.

"I tried to sleep while convincing myself, you'll be there in your wedding dress, waiting for me with your bright smile like always. Then, I tried to reminiscence our memories. The first time we met, our first date, our first kiss, our first making love under the star, even when you panicked after thinking you got pregnant, until the day I proposed to you. It convinced me that my love was real and it won't change until my last breath."

At that time, he made me remember our beautiful memories and I smiled for the first time after spending my time glaring at him. He saw that and sighed in relief, but then chuckling after I mouthed to him, “You don’t have to say about the pregnant think.”

Then he continued to his vow, "I promise you that I will cherish you, love you, make you happy, become the best husband you've ever had, and loyal to you until the day I died. I love you, Jade. Forever and always."

I cried and kissed him right away. The priest had to cough to remind us where we were. To make it shorter, that wedding day was full of laughter.


Ten years after that, I was heavily pregnant - almost eight month along, so I took my leave from work and stayed at home. Andrew was still the same though, never changed – still as tardy as ever.

Today was the same as every other day or so I thought.

Andrew was running around, trying to find his tie. I couldn't believe him, he woke up early, but he still managed to be late. I could never know how he could do that.

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