Snakes Bite

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Hair that was dark as a raven flowed alongside the wind, the ten year old sat in the old, dry but also soft, grass that the maid would atleast twice a month, The small girl looked bewildered. She didn't understand many things, such as dying, such as why you needed money, such as why of all the places she could of been born in, why Romania? Why Brasov, Romania? The small girl was known as Saku Blossan, whom had been raised by a human and majority amount of vampires. Saku, at a young age, was taught to love everyone, to accept everyone, and to believe in Peace. Saku had short hair that reached down to her shoulders, black hair and emerald green eyes, she had her mother's eyes. Her skin was pale from not going outside as often. She had teeth of a human human, but whenever she threw a fit, her fangs would began to sink in.

Saku was a fairly stubborn person, and was way too protective of her younger brother, who was eight when she was ten. Chains could be heard being unlocked, it sounded like it was coming from the front door, soon after there had been footsteps, she hadn't turned around, she already knew who it was. This person had a particular scent, both her and her father, Edmondo, could easily scent her, they were both very fond of her. The young woman smelled like roses, and the scent of home, and maybe, cherries, she sat beside Saku on the grass, she glanced at Saku and smiled.
"Hi, mum." Saku said, without glancing at her human mother. The woman who was known as 'Lucy Blossan' smiled in a gentle manner. "Hadn't i suggested for you to make some friends, today? I know you're father says we shouldn't make connections with people, since you and him are..well, you know.. I'm just a silly human, but--"
"Okay, mum." Saku stood up, "Only..because you want me to.." Saku said, giving her mom a small hug and eventually leaving. It was around twelve at noon when Saku finally found somewhere that was quiet and where she could 'Make friends' at. It wasn't too far from home; and if she got lost, she could just call her mom to pick her up.

Saku's eyes had kept glancing to two people in particular, A boy with dark hair, and dark green eyes, somewhat resembling a snakes eye. The boy was wearing a considerable amount of black, with shoes that were as dark as his hair, and bright green laces. The second person she kept glancing at was a girl who looked to be the same age as Saku. The girl had dark, red hair and brown eyes, covered with freckles on her nose, she seemed to be Latina.
"E-Excuse me--" Saku began to speak up, attempting to get their attention. The girl with the red hair was the first to notice her, "Wow! How cool! You look just like a ghost from a horror movie!" She exclaimed, Saku hadn't replied. The boy just took a secret glance at, and turned to the girl, it seemed they were well acquainted with one another, since they seemed to know each other. "Hiyori... You're making her uncomfortable." The boy had said, quietly, well, he was whispering in her ear, this made Saku raise an eyebrow. Was he talking bad about her...right in front of her? The girl who was known as "Hiyori" gasped. "Oh! Sorry! My bad.." Hiyori took Saku's hands in her grasp and apologized. "I'm sorry for calling you pale...that was rude of me! But, i'm Hiyori.. Hiyori Nagachika, nice to meet yo-"
"I'm Kousei Jeho," The boy with the black hair interrupted.
"Hey, atleast let me finish, you jerk!" Hiyori shouted out, chucking a pencil she had in her pocket at him. He just laughed a bit.
"I'm, uhm.. Saku Blossan. Nice to meet you." She flashed a small smile, it looked nice on her. Kousei's eyes went wide, he then realized who she was. "Like, Lucy Blossan? The one who practices...magic? That's-- cool i guess." Kousei began to change his attitude, secretly he was a fan of Lucy, but didn't show it. "It's nice to meet you, Saku, i hope we get along."

Ever since then, the three of them had been best friends -- they did everything together, they had sleepovers, they went on adventures together, they watched horror movies together, and eventually, Saku was able to take care of herself -- her mother died and her father went missing, Saku didn't know what to do, as she was only fourteen and her younger brother, Shi, was still a kid. Kousei suggested that she moved to Japan with him and Hiyori, she eventually agreed. Hiyori noticed Saku had been growing distant, she had no idea what was happening in the girls mind, but.. She couldn't help but wonder.

Saku wanted to stay best friends witth them as long as possible, but..Things began to change.

"Hiyori! Hiyori! Wake the hell up!" Saku shouted at her best friend who was fast asleep, Hiyori opened one eye and once she had both eyes opened, she had to blink twice just to see if she wasn't imagining things.

"S-Saku?! What are you..d-doing in my room?!" Hiyori asked, in a timid voice and her face begun to feel hot.
Hiyori had recently gained a crush on her best friend, Saku, which is why she responded like this, she was such a clutz sometimes, even Saku would say that, but she loved her regardless.
"Relax... Its nothing like that." Saku ignored how red her friend looked, because she had better things to deal with. "Look at this. He's such an asshole..." Saku shoved a small letter written on yellow paper.
Hiyori begun to read the letter out loud:
"As you know.. We have been friends for what, six years almost? Yeah i think we have, cause i'm sixteen now. Saku may have to go back to Romania to perhaps become her, mother's apprentice, with magic and shit, and Hiyori is finishing her studies in high school, yeah? Well, i've decided to go on my own path. It's for your own good, and its to protect you both, call it a betrayal if you want, i don't care.

Hiyori paused for a second

Sincerely, Kousei."

Hiyori found herself crumbling up the letter without knowing it, it was the only comfort she could hold on to. The friend she had been friends with since she was born was suddenly just...out of her life? She needed a hug, she needed to hug Saku. Hiyori looked up at Saku for comfort, but she...just wasn't there... Could this of been hurting her as well?

Hiyori stood up from her bed and put on a black, japanese school uniform for girls,  but she had no plans of going to school.. She begun to pack her belongings in a rage, and in sadness -- she climbed down from her window with a rope tied to her bed so she wouldn't fall, her parents couldnt know what she was doing. This had to be a secret, at all costs.
She threw her bookbag of belongings on her shoulder and closed her eyes.
"I'm going to save you both, from whatever you're going through." She begun to say,

"I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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