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Niamh's pov

so where were we, ah yes. In sister Michaels room, with that wee first year that was on the bus this morning. Jenny damn Joyce must have had something to do with this, she's gonna get thumped.

"So it had nothing to do with me. Yes, OK, I was there, I admit that, but I didn't do anything." Claire rambles on and on and on. "It was Michelle. It was all Michelle. Niamh too, please sister Michael, I'm not going down for something I didn't do. If anyone deserves to get punished, it should be those two".

"Well, I think it's safe to say we all just lost a bit of respect for you there, Clare."

"aye too fucking right" I say.

"Language, Miss McCarthy." Sister Michael scolds.

"It was all just a misunderstanding, I promise, Sister."

"Well, I see no need to take this matter any further, but if I ever get wind of something like this happening again"

"Sister Michael, can I just quickly ask, um, since there's no male student toilets on the premises, am I permitted to use the staff ones?" James asked.

Here we go again

"Absolutely not." Sister shuts him down.

Sister Michael made us apologise to Tiny Tina, she didn't accept it but I didn't actually care, well, didn't care until I was stuck in detention.

"So I cannot actually believe this. I'm missing David Donnelly's gig, Michelle." Erin complained.

"And all because of that miniature motherfucker." Michelle says.

"I swear, if you say "motherfucker" one more time Michelle" I yelled.

"I'm desperate now. This is agony." James has his legs crossed.

"Just use the damn staff toilet." I said.

"Orla, that better not be what I think it is.
You better not have brought my diary to school."

oh for gods sake

"What's going on there, girls?" Sister Declan comes into the room.

"She has my diary, Sister, and she won't give it back." Erin cried.

"I'll take that. Sit down. Mr Maguire, you have been warned." Sister Declan said.

"This is disgraceful. I should have access to a lavatory. What about my civil rights?" James yelled.


"Michelle stop kicking my damn chair." I turned around.

"You, other corner."

"Sister I've done nothing." I complain.

"Corner" she yells.

"I can't hold it in any longer."

"Shut up James" I say.

"What part of me not giving a flying fuck are you struggling with, exactly? Oh, look.
Your boring fucking diary sent her to sleep." Michelle said.

I look over at the nun, and see that she's asleep, or dead, but most likely asleep. Then from the corner I see James, pissing into a bucket.

"Jesus, that's disgusting." I say.

"That's the English for you. Fucking savages." Michelle beamed.

"If I leave now, I might still catch David." Erin cheered.

"What if Sister Declan wakes up?" Clare asked.

"It's funny how she sleeps with her eyes wide open, isn't it?" Orla smiles.

Holy fuck, and that's when sister Michael walks through the door. And we were sat back in her room, I was stuck between Orla and James.

"Erin, what in God's name?" Gerry comes into the room.

"Did you kill that wee nun, girls?" Aunt Mary asked.

"Course we didn't." I exclaimed.

"Say nothing, girls. Say nothing till we've seen a lawyer." Grandpa Joe said.

"If you could all just take a seat." Sister Michael asked.

"Sorry I'm late, sister. Couldn't get over the bridge.This bloody bomb. I begged the Brits to let me take my chances, but the awkward bastards made me go the long way." Michelle's mum said.

"Where's my mum, Auntie Deidre?" James asked, eyes full of hope.

"She's away back to London." Deirdre said.

What and left James here?

"What, without me?" James groaned.

"Oh, dry your eyes, James."

all of a sudden I felt sorry for the boy. He was here in a foreign country and his one chance of going home was gone. I placed my hand next to his thigh, attempting to see if he was okay. He looked down and our eyes locked, although the door opened again and I looked away.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Sister. How long does it take to defuse a fecking bomb? Sure, the wee robots do all the work." Clare's dad came in. "Oh, killing nuns now, is it?"

"I didn't, Daddy." Clare trembled.

"Obviously, Sister Declan's death was extremely shocking and unexpected. We're still struggling to understand exactly what happened." Sister Micheal goes on.

"Can I just ask, what age was Sister Declan?"

Awk Erin what does it matter, are you buying the headstone, I've a fucking headache now.

"The woman was almost 98 years of age.
She had a heart attack." Erin yelled. "Why has everybody gone absolutely mental?"

"Less of the cheek, Erin." Aunt Mary scolds.

"We didn't do anything. It's not fair." Erin slumps.

and from beside me, I see Orla bring out that fucking diary.

"But the thing is, life isn't fair. You see, injustice is something I've become accustomed to. I am, after all, a child of the crossfire, surrounded by conflict. But I choose to rise above it. The path to peace is paved with tolerance and understanding. Violence is never the answer." Orla reads.

"I am going to ram that so far up your arse!" Erin launches at Orla, elbowing my chin in the process.



(900 words)

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