Prepared For The Expected

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~Rebecca's POV~
"Tomorrow 's the day! Tomorrow we, the EHS Women's Choir, are going to compete for a state title! We can do it and no matter what we'll do good," I say as I twirl around in my room. I lay down on my bed and sigh with joy as I look over and see my outfit for tomorrow. I'm worried about it but it's really cute and I just want to wear it.
   The one strapped red, pink, and white horizontal striped dress hung on its hanger next to my makeup table. It sucks that it's so tight that I'll have to.. go "commando". I sigh at the though of going without my underwear. "Good thing we have our robes, and bonus that it's tight so it won't blow in the wind." I cover my face as it turns red at the thought of accidentally flashing the choir walking up stairs or outside in the wind.
   I turn my lights out and look up at the ceiling. "I feel like tomorrow's going to be a good day. I'm so ready to sing for judges." I roll on my side and slowly fall asleep as the bugs make noise outside my basement window.
~Rena's POV~
   I check my phone for the 5th time in 2 minutes. "Usually she answers right away.. She must be asleep already since state's tomorrow," I say and sigh. I'm nervous out of my mind. I'm thinking of not even going tomorrow.. I look over at the clock and yawn as it turns to 11pm. I look at my last minute outfit I picked out. Simple and mostly black. Just how I like it. I lay down and sigh as I can't fall asleep. Minutes turn into hours until I finally fall asleep around 3am.
I wake up to my alarm at 6am with a total of 3 hours of sleep in my system. I get dressed in my black and gold knee high dress. I pair it with some fishnet leggings, and I finish getting ready. I do some simple makeup with a dark Smokey eye with just some red lip gloss. Nothing fancy, and it only took me 15 minutes to do. Covering up the dark circles under my eyes took the most time. That's how it usually is though in the mornings. I get my book bag, since I still have classes, and go to my mom's car. We leave for school.
~Rebecca's POV~
I get to the school around 7:20, as normal, and remember that I don't leave till 11:00. I'm not in my outfit I picked out quite yet because I have state competition for band too. I'm in the band required simple black dress which hugs my curves just right. The director, Weber, provides the scarves that were newly made last year by the seamstress. I finish putting my scarf on as my boyfriend, Holden, walks over. "Looking beautiful as usual babe. You make anything look good," he says as he grabs around my waist and kisses me. "Thank you, and you are rocking that suit. Even if it's the same as every other guys in band, you make it look better than anyone's," I say with a smile as I look up and down at him.
Soon enough we all get our instruments and head out, load the busses, and leave for SouthEast High. On our way there a French horn flew out of the underside bus cabinets, and went into the middle of the highway. It ended up not being damaged so we continued to SouthEast! We proceed to get a high "1" ranking, which is the best, and we drove back to EHS.
     What I didn't expect was how wrong the state choir competition would go. No one would be ready for anything that happened after we sang..

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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