The Forest

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Once upon a time, a little girl was left to die by her own parents in the forest... But this forest wasn't like the others... The legend says you can still hear the screams of the damned if you dare to walk inside alone... Strange lights come out of the forest in the night of the dead and whoever dare to walk inside shall never return.

The little girl's parents left her in the forest when she was only 3 weeks old... They never got out. No one ever saw them again... Not even the bodies... However, the girl didn't die. She was raised by the wind and by the sun, by the living creatures and... by the dead...

Twenty years later, millions of rain drops fell upon the village for a week, the wind destroyed what the rain left untouched for another week and the sun burnt everything he could for the final week. The oldest ones said the end was near... And they weren't wrong at all.

In the 31st night, of the 10th month, the girl came out of the forest. She had no clothes on and only her genital parts covered by leashes. Her hair was long, black and curly, her eyes black as a black hole, sucking the life out of everyone who dared stare inside them. Her skin was tanned and dirty. She was as beautiful but still no one dared to speak to her or even to get close to her.

-The end has begun! - An old man screamed as she walked by. No one moved. The girl looked back and stared the man in the eyes for a couple of seconds. The poor man lost himself in the abysm inside her eyes, never to come back.

As the girl walked by, houses collapsed, families were annihilated, entire packs of animals died...

When the sun let out his first rays, the girl emerged in the forest again, without a word spoken.

Those who survived could never forget her face, even those who were too young to remember. The poor old man didn't say a word until his dying day. In agony, wishing for death after suffering for days, he sighted his final word:

-Inferno...- And died. The body turned into ashes almost instantly.

No history book or even legend book ever dared to talk about Inferno (or hell), no one dared to mention her again and the legend lost itself in the minds of the mortals.

In the 18th century, another baby girl was left in the forest, the same forest... Her parents, not knowing the danger or the consequences of their actions, left her to die. The story repeated itself.

Houses collapsed, people burnt from the inside out and animals dropped dead as she walked among the living in the 31st day of the 10th month. When the sun was born, she went back to the forest. Her name was Pecado (or sin).

As before, no one dared to speak of her ever again, not even the bravest among the immortal.

In the 19th century, no woman came out of the forest.

In the 24th day of the 12th month, a little girl walked by the village. No one knew where she had come from but they were sure as hell she wasn't human. She had her own shine, like a star. Her hair was slightly curly and blond and her eyes had a softer shade of blue then sky itself. Her skin was whiter than the snow and her lips a washed up shade of baby pink.

-Jesus has returned!

- God has finally showed himself!

-We're blessed!

The people believed she was an angel. As she walked by, the houses became full of joy, pockets full of money, families became united and complete and animals would bow down before her.

Once again, when the sun came up, the little girl walked inside the forest, never to be seen again.

Her story was never forgotten by the people of the village, especially because she brought the deepest form of destruction...

All the money the little girl made appear magically where before there were only whishes, made the village become ambitious and when the money ended, the mess began.

People stole each other. People hurt each other. People killed each other! People sinned...

In the 20th century, there was no village anymore. There was no humanity in that remote place. Only humans, killing each other for a piece of bread, smoke filling the once so clean air and a trail of destruction...

In the 31st night of the 10th month, another little girl came out of the forest. She shouldn't be older than five... But she wasn't alone. The Death was by her side, holding her hand and carrying its huge blade... The girl had black straight hair and pale skin. Just her presence made people drop to their knees, feeling sick to the core and fearing for their lives.

With her eyes glued to the floor and the hair covering her face, she kept walking leaving behind a trail of blood... Whose? Not even God knows.

She didn't raise her head or said a word the whole night.

When the sun was born, the little girl walked to the forest and stopped at the gates. She turned to the people and then slowly showed them her blood red eyes. Her face was the most disturbing thing in the whole world. People were frozen by fear. If you stared into her eyes, you could see the burning flames from Hell and The Devil asking you for a dance.

Her purple lips once straight become softly curved as she set the air on fire, burning the lungs of the people, making them feel the most agonizing pain and despair. Before walking inside the forest, she pronounced the apocalyptical words:

-Ex obscurum, ego vadum emerge quod vos, vacuus letalis, mos prodigo ceterus of infinitio igneus quod screaming! Ego fatum vos ut flamma! Vos vadum persolvo pro vestri sin!- And disappeared inside of the forest.

The whole village burnt down, but soon a new one was rebuilt over the ashes... However, the people found out about the legend through an old witch:

-The spirits have spoken! We're all doomed! Destiny, itself, said "From the darkness I shall emerge and you, empty mortals, will spend the rest of eternity burning and screaming! I doom you to the flames! You shall pay for your sins!" She'll be back and she'll kill us all!

The village became desert again but many other villages were built over it, during the time she kept hiding in the shadows. The legend died and the world changed. There's no way to find the village's location. It may be on the other side of the globe, it may be right where you live... But the little girl made her promise.

The years of the apparitions were 1614, 1714, 1814 and 1914... This is 2014...

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