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Dear Anonymous,

        You can make me really mad sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could just smack you across the face. You can be so rude. I wish you would just be kinder, and stop gossiping. Gosh you really make me mad when you gossip about things just because you are mad at that person.

           You are a really good person. You are funny, and nice when you want to be. I just wish you would be like that more often. You are releasing negative vibes into the world. You also influence others around you to do the same thing you are doing. Just be a good roll model.

        I know you are hurt inside, you just don't want to show it. You have so much drama in your life it is confusing. But just because you are having a bad day doesn't mean you have to be rude, or mean to people. You really need to just be more cautious.

      You really ticked me off one day, and I have not like you that much since. You really should think before you act. And maybe you should look up the golden rule. Treat everyone how you would want to be treated. And I really wish you could see this because you need too.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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