Chapter 1 - The Bunny

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I'm so original (I found it on Pinterest). ^^^

Good or evil is the question I ask myself every day. But, what if that is chosen for me already? Nobody would know except me, an orphan since birth. My real name is unknown. For all orphaned twins are rewarded with a number, and mine is the most difficult one to remember, 666.

For some reason, every single person will have a twin. One evil and the other good. At 16-years-old, the good one is kept home and the other is locked up in prison. It's crazy how this phenomenon has happened for over a hundred years worldwide.

If you must know how and why I'm an orphan, I'll tell you, but it shouldn't be that difficult to guess.

My twin, gender unknown, died in the womb as I was crying in joy to be out of my worthless mother. She decided since she can't have her two perfect children, she won't have one at all, and you can guess the remainder of that story.

Now I live in this orphanage full of both good and evil children, running in joy as I clean the floors in exasperated annoyance, doing my chores.

"Six hundred sixty-six, hurry up you worthless child, or I'll whip the living daylights out of you!" Miss Champion -- known by us fellow orphans as Miss Chump because we aren't very original -- bellowed, her ribs rattling along with her voice.

"Yes, Headmistress Chump -- I mean Champion," I sigh. She can really be scary at times, especially to the little ones, unlike my 16-year-old butt.

"You better do a good job or you'll get a good whipping, and no excuses this time."

"Yes, Ma'am," I say while scrubbing away at the dirt stained floor as if my life depends on it.

A child, about seven-years-old, walks by me with a stuffed rabbit with a torn eye and ear. Its white fur turning a dirty gray-yellow color. It reminds me of my childhood.

"Oh Sweetie, you know how childish this toy is, right?" the mysterious woman on the park bench said.

"Uh-hu, but it was my mama's before she left," I replied with.

"For good grief child, you are an eight-year-old carrying an old stuffed rabbit that needs to be thrown out," she said with a sickening grin that my eight-year-old self saw as a motherly grin.

"B-But Miss I love this bunny," I stuttered with tears daring to trickle next to my friendly stranger who betrayed me.

At this time, she took my stuffed rabbit out of my hands that were gripping it so tightly that my knuckles started turning white. I reached for it, but instead, I started silently crying to my friend.

"Ah honey," she hummed sweetly, "you don't need this. You're mother doesn't even want you, you orphan. Have a wonderful life, 666." Her sweet voice has trickled its way out of the wicked stranger. She left me with a whole new perspective on this world, on my life. I decided to never show my emotions. To never let anyone get to me. I now know my mother was never a mother. She was just an excuse for a mother.

I wake from my daydream to still see the child walking by me with a big smile upon his face. I quickly get up to my feet and wall over to her.

"Hiyah 863," she froze in place in fear.

"Six-six-six," she stutters and swallows her fear. "Go away-y, I don't have any money." She shivers with fear.

"Oh child, tsk, tsk, tsk, I don't want your money. Almost none of us do, but you know what I do want?" I pause for her answer. No answer. "Eight hundred sixty-three, I want that," I say, pointing to the torn stuffed bunny.

Fear floods to her face. White as a ghost. "Pl-e-ease don't take Tommy. He's my only--"

I didn't let her finish and took my childhood memory away from the child. My eyes become red with tears building in my eyes. Running away, I sniffle and say, "Thanks for the grub, sister!" (Tell me if you know where this is from. :D *cough cough* Newsies)

I run to my room upstairs with the children moving out of my path.

HEY I'm actually writing! This won't last long. Uh, I haven't fully figured out a title and probable will change a lot of the character names/title. I am thinking of a short story for my horror short stories. It based off an experience I had, not all of it is true.

Oh yeah! This is about 700 words so yay!

Stay indecisive! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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