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"let me stay in your room." as the words leave my lips i realize that i'm only doing this to spite my mother but i don't care. i hate her, i absolutely hate her. marcus looks at me and shrugs, maybe it's the alcohol talking for him or he really doesn't mind. i can tell he isn't drunk at all, he must drink all the time to be such a heavyweight. he is an alcoholic after all so what did i expect. i feel guilty thinking that, but it's nothing but the truth.

"of course you can." he smirks and my heart starts beating fast, he is hinting at sex of course. dirty thoughts begin to fill my brain, i've only ever watched porn and from what I've seen it looks awfully painful. he is attractive yet i won't lose my virginity to someone i just met even if i did tell him my life story. i squeeze my thighs shut quickly feeling an unusual sensation.

"no sex." i slur and he nods at me as if he wasn't planning on it, i don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing in this case. i look around the bar quickly seeing that it's only us and some random drunks, maybe we should leave before i pass out. "can we go now?" i ask the whiskey hitting me harder than it did before, i might puke.

he nods quickly and slides off of his stool, he looks blurry for a second and i think i am wasted. he walks over to me and grabs me by my waist pulling me off of the stool. my breathing becomes heavier and i wonder if he feels what i feel when he touches me. i close my eyes letting him put me on the ground. i try to walk but i end up stumbling and falling to the ground.

my head is dizzy and all i can see and feel is marcus carrying me. i can feel myself wanting to pass out. my eyes want to close but i can't let them, i don't know why i am trusting this guy with my life, i don't know why i am trusting this guy at all. but at this point i could honestly not care what happens to me. i force my eyes to open just to see him one more time.

i can only see the bottom of his jaw and everything seems so blurry. he looks down at me and i let his hazel eyes bore into mine. that's all i needed to fall into a deep sleep.


celest just passed out cold in my arms and we are riding up the elevator to my room now. she stirs around in her sleep sometimes but not enough to remove her head from my chest. i look down at her face resting on my chest and purse my lips. she is pretty, and she doesn't even have any makeup on i can tell. i wonder how she looks with makeup on, probably really fuckable. god i need to calm down, this girl is drunk passed out in my arms and i'm thinking about fucking her.

the elevator dings on the 14th floor and i climb out of it, celest stirs a bit but then snuggles back into my chest deeper than before. what the fuck have i gotten myself into. i make my way towards the unfamiliar hotel room, not seeing any people in the hall thankfully. what time is it anyway? i am a bit buzzed but definitely not as wasted as celest. i don't get wasted anymore.

i make my way to the hotel room and struggle to get my card out of my wallet while celest is fast asleep in my arms. i finally get it and open the door quick my arms beginning to strain. i place her softly on the single bed in the hotel room and she stirs a bit, her eyes flicker open.

"marcus." she mumbles looking confused as ever. her eyes scoop across the room and her body language changes she looks afraid, afraid of me. the feeling makes me tense up and a pang of hurt hits me in the chest.

"how did i get here?" she asked, damn now she's scared of me. i feel like i'm in territory i shouldn't be in, what if she leaves here running and telling everyone that i kidnapped her and took her back to my hotel room. it would tarnish the family name.. you know what i wouldn't care actually. fuck my family, and fuck my name.

"you passed out and i just brought you to my room." i reassure her quickly, and her body falls softly now she's not tense at all actually..i sense something else in her. i tilt my head as her eyes begin to get dark. oh no. she smirks at me and pushes her self off of the bed. she smoothly over to me her eyes dark and set on me. god she's sexy, but this isn't right.

"to fuck?" she tilts her head a smirk appearing on her lips. i groan her sensuality is getting to me, and i can't stop the way it feels.

"i would, trust me i would but-" she gets really close to me and her hands connect with my chest.

"why can't you? why can't you just bend me over this bed and take me right here?" she asks so innocently and i feel the growing desire between my legs. if only i could take her right here, i would.

"your drunk celestia." i mutter, shaking my head no at her. her lips purse and then her whole mood changes, she backs up away from me her body becoming stiff. the bare look of sadness overcomes her face and i'm instantly turned off and only concerned about her.

in a instant she is rushing to the bathroom and all i can hear is her throwing up into the sink, i rush to her and grab her hair as she continues to hurl into the toilet, god i feel so bad for her. she pukes and pukes until she is only dry heaving. i rub her back gently and make sure her hair isn't involved in the mess that is happening.

she pulls away from the toilet and rests her head on the side. her face is pale and orange, there is sweat resting on her forehead and she gazes at me exhausted. i stand up quickly making her a glass of water, i also grab her some of my toothpaste. god i don't know what the fuck to do in this situation, i haven't cared for someone like this in so long not even myself.

i rush back into the bathroom to see that she hasn't moved but her eyes look heavier, more sad. i sit down on the floor and hand her the water, she chugs the whole glass while still laying on the toilet. i then hand her the toothpaste and she looks to me confused.

"i thought maybe.. just in case.. you wanted to get the taste- out of your mouth or something." i shrug, i sound so fucking stupid why am i stuttering over this shit. she looks at me dumbfounded then burst out laughing, even though she is exhausted, she is laughing with her head tilted back and her mouth open. her laugh brings a small smile to my lips.

she stops laughing and her sad face comes back, my smile disappears. she grabs the toothpaste from my hands, she opens the cap and puts a small bit on her finger. i watch her intently as she puts the dab on her tongue, she looks at me her eyes becoming more heavy and her frown becoming more prominent.

"i never wanted this. you have to believe that marcus." she mutters her face is dark, and she is drifting away from me and into the ocean of complete and utter sadness. i can't stop myself from reaching over to her and grabbing her chin, she looks up at me instantly. the innocence that she wears so softly is shown through her eyes and i can feel myself melting into them.

"i believe you, celestia. i also know that you didn't choose your life either." her face softens and i can see her letting her guard down. "you will be able to soon, i won't let you drown in some marriage that you don't want. okay?" i say those words and i mean them. i mean them so much it hurts, i barely know this girl but i'm already to sacrifice things to help her. there is something about her, something that i can't quite put my finger on.

before i am able to move her lips are on mine, and she is demanding me to kiss back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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