New school

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I wake up this morning to a alarm I don't remember setting so I look at it and it says "get ready for school" so I get up and get ready for my first day oh school yay...
I got in the shower when I got out I got my favorite long sleeve white crop top with my black skinny jeans and my leather riding boots, on my way out I grab my leather riding jacket.
I get on my Harley Davidson motorcycle and head to school. When I get there everyone is staring at me while I get off my motor bike. I roll my eyes and said in my ALPHA tone
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT" and they all bowed their heads to me showing respect. I walk past them and right when I walk in a group of girls bumps right into me. The blond one in the front says "Sorry I didn't see you.... WOW your pretty are you... ALPHA oh my gosh we would love it if you would join our group"
"Sorry what did you say ALPHA" she says confused
"I said NO," I said irritated with this conversation
When I say that she slaps me in the face.
"Wrong move bitch."
I quickly punch her in the nose and she falls backwards to the ground with a thud from her large fake ass. Then people start to gather around her to see if she is ok she says she is fine, but I know I broke her nose. When I start to walk away she pulls me back and tells me "Watch you-self I'm the future LUNA of this pack, my boyfriend is the next ALPHA of this pack and he loves me so stay out of my way or you will be crushed" with that I pull me arm away and walk to the office to get my schedule and head to class. When I got there the teacher made me step in front of the class and introduce myself to the class so when I got up to the front of the class I said " Hi my name is Courtney Faith I'm 18 and I love cats and motorcycles " when I was done the class laughed at me so I got mad and used ALPHA tone on them and said "DON'T LAUGH AT ME I KNOW ITS WIERD THAT IM A WEREWOLF BUT I LOVE CATS SO WHAT" they all including the teacher bowed their heads except two other kids who I figure were also ALPHAS. When the teacher fiddled with her shirt she told me to sit beside one of the ALPHAS who didn't bow their heads. When I sat down he was staring at me and asked him what he wanted and he just said "Your really pretty and your an ALPHA will you be my girlfriend?"
I scoff and roll my eyes don't get me wrong, he is hot, but I'm waiting on my mate for a relationship. When I did that he began to beg and pester me so I asked to move seats she nodded her head so I move over to where the other ALPHA was at, and he didn't even look at me when I got there. But soon I felt someone staring hole into my face when I turn I see him staring at me with hunger and I don't know why so I ignore it and move on with my day. When class ended a girl walked up to me and said, "Hey, Courtney right? I'm Devlin, nice to meet you I just wanted to ask if you want to eat lunch with me and my friends today?"
"Yeah sure I could use some good friends."
So with that we walked to the cafeteria and got in line for food when we got our food and sat down there where a few people there already and I was introduced to them "Everyone this is Courtney Faith she is an ALPHA and is new here so treat her nicely please."
A super hyper girl jumps out of her seat and runs to me and hugs me so I hug her back and she says "Hi I'm Jordan I'm a BETA and I love you so much already"
A really tall dude said "Hey I'm Tyler nice to meet you I'm BETA oof I'm also gay🏳️‍🌈"
Did I mention I love gay people well now you know. I grip Jordan so she would let me go so I can squeeze the day lights out of Tyler. When I squeeze him he yelps and I say "Sorry I love gay people 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈"
"It's alright."
When I finally sit down the blonde bimbo named Ashley from earlier pops up behind me and says "well look who follows orders nice job of staying out of my way, loser" when she starts to walk away I pull her arm and was about to punch her in the face when someone stepped in-front of her and I punch his chest instead and knocked him down on top of her. When he got up he looked at me with surprise then the look of pride showed on his face. I walk back to my table and sit down next to Devlin as she looks at me with awwww and I say " What she doesn't respect me so showed her who was boss but that guy from class got in the way so...."
They all said in unison "THAT WAS SO AWESOME !!!!"
The rest of the day was pretty good I got through the classes but I had already known all the stuff they were teaching us. When school ended I said bye to Devlin, Jordan, and Tyler got on my motorcycle and went home to finish the last box of stuff.

Hey sorry for not updating sooner I'm going through some tough time in my life but I will be updating when ever I can k
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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