Stuck Notch

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On leaving school I went to the hideout of Herobrine, hardly knew that Rao was behind me, and he saw the hideout of Herobrine. Noticing that he was behind me I was already inside the bunker with the trapped Notch.

(I) _ Rao? What are you doing here? And he said:

(Rao) _ What is this place? And what Notch is doing here in chains? Suddenly -From the Hero appeared in front of us, and surprised to see Rezende he spoke:

(Herobrine) _ What is this guy doing here in my stash I know ?!

(Rezendeevil) _ Herobrine? So is it true that you imprisoned the Notch!

(I) _ is not what you're thinking Hero! It's nothing too much and ...

(Herobrine) _ Rezendeevil Get out of here before I arrest you as Notch! And then the conversation was interrupted because of Notch, which ended up waking up in the turmoil. Herobrine turned and saw that Notch was now awake.

(Notch) _ I choose? Where am I? Herobrine? Rezendeevil? Minecomedy? What is going on here? And at that moment a silence engulfed the cache Herobrine, Notch confused tried to pull away, but the currents were quite strong Herobrine used. So Rezende was afraid of getting stuck, because he remembered when he had been possessed by Herobrine, and he ran desperately and did not look back, and Herobrine was behind him, and I sat in the same place where I was, and I stood facing the Notch, and was a silence where we were. As for the Rao was not all going right for him.

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