When I Saw You

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       It was nights like these I couldn't handle the yelling. My mom and dad were fighting again over something stupid. They always did this and I think it was over me I mean come on I sneak out and drink and I love to party. I was a teenager what did they expect. I couldn't handle another minute of it so I grabbed my bag and climbed out my window. I ran down the street to where a car was already running and waiting for me. I hopped inside and heard Whiz Khalifa coming from the radio. "Finally I was waiting here for like a half an hour." Christina said and started driving the opposite direction from my house. Christina was the best all I had to do was text her and she was already on her way.

      Christina has been my best friend since we have been in diapers. Our moms have been best friends since they were our age. I loved being seventeen it meant I was almost close to being eighteen, closer to freedom. I looked at Chris and she smiled at me "You were not waiting here for a half an hour maybe ten minutes top." and I laughed a little bit. "OK maybe I was just over reacting a bit but hey it still felt like forever." she started laughing and grabbed her IPOD and threw it at me. "Pick a song I already know that you are going to anyway." she kept her eyes on the road.

      I tapped the screen and it came up so I started to look through all her songs. I didn't really know what I wanted to listen to so I picked on the first name I recognized. I put on Marina and The Diamonds and turned up the song that was playing. Chris looked at me and rolled her eyes "You play this song every time you are in the car." and I laughed at her "I know but I love Marina's song lonely hearts club its my favorite." I said and turned it up.

      We finally pulled up to a house and there were a ton of people outside and the music was loud I couldn't quite tell what was playing. We got out of the car and started walking up the sidewalk to the door. When we were inside I seen a ton of PDA and rolled my eyes and looped my arm with Chris's "Isn't that sick I mean come on everyone can see you." I said and she rolled her eyes "You're just mad because you don't have a boyfriend and your still a virgin." she said and pulled me to the bar.

        "Hey I'm not ready to have sex and if I was I wouldn't be doing it in front of other people." I said and a cute boy walked over to us and smiled. "What would you ladies like?" he asked and winked at us and chris leaned over the counter so he could hear her. "I need two jacks and a coke!" she yelled when the song came blasting from the living room. It was One Direction's 'Up All Night' I wasn't really a fan but I liked this song. When we got our drinks Chris pulls me outside and we sit on an open swing.

       "So what are you going to do?" Chris asked me in a low voice. We weren't the only ones outside "I don't know if they keep fighting like this then I quess I have to leave." I said and Chris sighed and put her arm around me. "You know I'm here for you if you want to stay with me you can. You're almost eighteen and your birthday is three months away." she said and I sighed that was right time was just flying by and I didn't even realize. "I wish I could stay with you but my parents would never let me. Unless you would talk to them with me maybe this would work out." I said.

       I took my drink and gulped it down I loved Jack Daniel's whiskey I could drink it by itself. Then me and Chris got up and went inside. The music was blasting and people were dancing I went to the bar. "Hi!" I yelled over the music to the cute guy at the bar. He turned and smiled at me "What would you like?" he asked and I sat down on a stool. "Another Jack please" I said and smiled "Coming up" and he turned to grab a shot glass and a big bottle. He must of seen the look on my face.

       Chris popped up next to me and handed me a joint. "What's this for?" I asked and she smiled at me. "We might as well party tonight because tomorrow we are going to talk to your parents." she said and handed me a lighter. The song changed and it was Whiz Khalifa's 'No Sleep' so I took the lighter and lit up the joint. It was so much fun I started drinking and I could feel everything hit me at once and I had to slow down. I didn't have anything on my mind I just let the drugs and the alcohol take over. Next thing I know I'm in my bed with Chris laying on top of me.

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