First Date!

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 "Hi guys how are you?" Chris asked and Kyle looked up at us and gave us a huge smile.

"I'm good this is my buddy Doug" Kyle said and Doug waved.

"So what are you girls doin' here?" Kyle asked and looked at me.

"We just came window shopping it's just nice to get out once and a while." I said and he smiled at me. Then I heard my phone go off it was the barbie song. I hated it but when no one was around I would dance and sing with it. I know I have the mind of a six year old.

      I grabbed my phone and checked who was calling. It was my mom "I have to take this can you give me a minute?" I asked and walked away.

I opened my phone "Hello" I said and my mom sounded relieved.

"You're ok. I came home for lunch and you and Chris weren't here. Where are you?" she asked she didn't sound mad.

"We came to the mall to get some Cinnabuns and stuff. What did you want to eat?" I asked and it took her a minute.

"Can you bring me a In and Out burger it sounds really good. What time are you guys going to be here?" she asked.

"Give us about a half and we'll be there." I said and we both hung up.

       I walked back into the store and there was Doug and Chris talking and laughing and grabbing each other when they got a chance. Gross.

"Hey Chris we got to go my mom want's lunch." I said and she frowned at me like she made plans that just got canceled.

"Shit Kyle and Doug wanted us to go to lunch with them and I said yes." She looked at me with that 'Can we stay?' look. I just ignored her and looked at kyle and smiled.

"Rain check?" I asked Kyle and he smiled at me "sure no problem." he said and gave me a hug. "Alright bye" I said and started walking towards Cinnabun.

        We ordered and sat down at one of the tables at cinnabun. Chris wouldn't talk to me and I knew she was pissed but she couldn't be that mad at me.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked and she just stared at her phone until she gave in a looked at me.

"I'll tell you what you did wrong. I can't believe you made me cancel on the two hottest guys we will ever see again. You may think I'm over reacting but I'm not you really need to get into the dating world and have some fun." she looked at me and then back at her phone. I sighed and got up and stood at the counter while I waited for our cinnabuns. Chris was standing next to me before I could even turn she gave me a hug.

 "Let's go to In-n-out burger bitch." and she grabbed the cinnabuns and I paid. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

Later that day...

            I was so bored sitting in front of the T.V. I needed to do something. Chris was passed out in my room and I went to wake her up when I found a note on the kitchen table.

Hey honey I had to go back to work for a late night might be home around eleven. Your dad left out of town this morning so it's just you girls tonight. Love you! xoxo

This was the perfect time to text Kyle and see if he wanted to go hang out tonight. So I went into my room and tip toed to my bag to make sure not to wake Chris up. I closed the door and grabbed my IPod out of my bag on the counter and put my head phones in. I started to wonder if I should call him or just casually text him. I decided to text him anyway we would be talking if he wanted to spend some time out tonight.

Hey what are you up to tonight?

About five minutes passed before my phone started to vibrate in my hand.

Nothing much you wanna hang since you couldn't earlier?

I couldn't help but smile Kyle was the cutest guy I've ever seen and talked to. I looked back down at my phone and started typing.

Sure can Chris come to she's kind of dying to get out of the house

I didn't know how he would feel and this time the text came in a little faster from him.

The more the merrier I always say lol. sure I can bring Doug again and we can double date. Lets meet up at Applebee's in about an hour?

I didn't know what to do I was blushing so bad because he said double date. I don't even understand why I was so excited but I wrote back so he didn't think I stopped talking to him.

Sounds like a date we'll be there ;) can't wait to see you!

I threw my phone on the cushion next to me and got up to go wake up Chris so we could get ready and meet up with Kyle and his friend Doug. I pactically jumped on her when I opened the door.

She pushed me off of her and looked really pissed. I couldn't stop smiling "You know Doug and Kyle right?" I asked like she didn't already know.

She looked at me "What about them?"

"Well they want to double date tonight and we are going to meet up with them at applebee's. We should start getting ready because we only have an hour to get ready." I smiled and got up off the floor and walked into the bathroom to jump in the shower.

"What am I going to wear?" she followed me into the bathroom after I was in the shower trying to hurry. "You can look in my closet see if you can find a cute skirt and top or a dress. You know how to put an outfit together at the last minute you do it all the time." I laughed and so did she.

I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me so I could find something to wear. When I opened the bathroom door there was Chris in a cute pair of pink flats and white skinnies and a black and white striped shirt with a pink flower on it. She still needed to do her hair and make up.

"I love it can you do me next?" I laughed and she went into the bathroom while I looked for some clothes in my closet.

"Why don't you wear that cute little black backless dress? I love that dress" I pulled it out of my closet and set it on my bed. "It'll be perfect!" I quickly got dressed and ran in the bathroom to do my make up.

"This is going to be the best night ever!" Chris looked at me and smiled and I smiled to.

I couldn't wait to see Kyle. Hopefully he would like me as much as I liked him.


Thank  you for reading!

I know I haven't updated it in a while so thank you for waiting as well!

If you could please Vote and Comment if you like my story and I will dedicate you in a chapter.

I will try to upload again really soon!!!!!!!!

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