I. The Beginning of the New Beginning

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        "I'm taking my lady friend somewhere for dessert," Étienne says. 

        "You are?" I'm in total shock. This is the first time we've all been together in a really long time, I was hoping I could spend more time catching up with Meredith and Isla. But still, I'm happy. Étienne and I haven't had a night like this in Paris since the last night in Paris. It's been almost a year since I've graduated the School of America in Paris, and ever since I had moved to San Francisco to study film, I haven't been back.

        I look around at the others. They look totally okay with us leaving. It even looks like they want me to leave with Étienne. 

        "Okay. Hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I gather the rest of my things and I see Isla looking discouraged. "I wanted to catch up with you! Hopefully we'll see each other again. Good luck!"

        The expression of Isla's face brightens. Maybe I shouldn't have said good luck. Étienne told me about the problems she's been having with Josh and I felt like it was the only thing I could say. I really want her and Josh to work things out.

        Étienne and I walk toward the direction of River Seine. We saunter around the city, knowing we have all the time in the world. As we walk closer to the main entrance, Étienne points at Notre-Dame's courtyard. 

        "And that is where you gracefully tripped over my boot while walking and fell flat on your face," Étienne grins. 

        Oh my god. He always has to bring up the most embarrassing moments. "I WAS-"

        "You were staring at me thinking 'Bloody Christ, his hair looks really good today'. And you weren't paying attention and you knocked down into the ground. It happens," Étienne's grin grows even wider. "Don't worry. I thought it was pretty cute."

        I punch him playfully in the arm. "I was nervous. And I wasn't looking at you, I was looking at all the other beautiful things next to me. By the way, where are we going? We can eat at the Crêperie if you want."

        "Not just yet, I want to walk around Paris more with you," Étienne grips my hand tighter and leads me to the cathedral's carved doorways. Before I can notice, we're standing on top of Point Zéro, the official center of France. 

        Étienne clears his throat. "Anna,"

        I LOVE how he pronounces my name. That English accent of his will never get old. Ah-na.

        "Do you remember the times we came here together, and I told you to make a wish?" Étienne is staring straight into my eyes now.

        The seriousness in his tone is starting to worry me.

        "Every single time I went here. I wished for you." 

        "So did I. And now we both got our wishes, each other."

        I'm starting to tear up now, remembering the feeling of falling in love with Étienne. It seems like one crazy dream, almost too good to be true. 

        Étienne takes something out of his pocket. And goes down on one knee.

        OH MY GOD. I'm starting to shake. Not with anger, fear, or worry, but with happiness and love. 

        Étienne grabs my hand. "Anna, I knew it the minute I met you. The instant chemistry, our instant friendship." I'm crying now, I felt it too Étienne. The words don't come out of my mouth. "And now I'm positive. I don't just know that I want to be with you forever, I've fallen madly in love with you. I want to make it certain that I'll be with you forever. You understand me better than anyone else, and if it weren't for you, I'd.... I'd..." his words grow quieter and I notice his hands are starting to shake too.

        "I'm dying here, Anna will you marry me?"         

        I don't hesitate, I don't even think. I don't have to think. 

        Étienne slides the ring onto my finger. I throw my arms around him and we kiss like it's the last kiss we'll ever get. He spins me in a circle and kisses me again, even more forcefully this time. I'm hungry for his touch. I'm just about to grab the back of his neck, as he stops and turns around. They wave, and he waves back. Étienne has the biggest smile in the world. All our friends, Josh, Isla, Lola, Cricket, and Meredith have been standing, watching us this whole time. Now I have the biggest smile on my face. Of course they've been there the whole time.

The cold night wind blows, as Étienne and I are wrapped in each other's arms still standing on Point Zéro. Everything I couldn't say earlier spills out of me. I'm crying again, as Étienne wipes the tears away with his sleeve. He listens to me the whole time, not saying a word. He embraces me tighter. At the end of my long spiel he tells me he loves me, and we stand under the night sky, together. 

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