Thirty Three

42 4 0

WARNING: Contains bad language.

Brooke's P.O.V.

I woke up at the hotel on the day of the meeting. Yes, I stayed here. Not out of defiance but because, technically, I'm not broken up with Niall in the medias eyes. Hopefully it stays that way.

I put some whipped up jeans and a tight black T-Shirt. I really thought about what Maura had said about being nice to the fans. And if I dressed like this every once in awhile, was a tad bit sassy and was nice to the fans, maybe I could stay with Niall.

We drove over to the airport, where Simon and some other people from management were to be flown to and dropped off here. We had waited about fifteen minutes before we noticed them walking towards in suits.

How uncomfortable for a plane...

I could literally hear the irritation among Niall and I and Management.

The whole car ride to the conference building was dead silent. You could probably hear my heart pounding because I realised that this meeting could either ruin my life or make it amazing.


We all sat down in those spinning computer chairs that lined a large table.

It went: Simon, Me, Niall, Paul and the other management people that I have yet to learn their names.

"So, we feel as if you two should break up. And there's really nothing that you guys could do to fix this situation. She's giving you bad publicity by being rude and physical with your fans, and she can't just be nice to everyone and be a goody-two-shoes. So, she has to go." Simon said, going to stand as if he only flew here to say that.

What a asshole. Excuse my French but I have a right to be mad. Grrr...

"SHE, has a NAME." Niall said with an attitude. He's so cute when he's mad. :D

Wait, I'm mad at Simon right now. I'll resume to calling him cute after this. We need to fight. RAWR.

"Mr. Horan, please do not be disrespectful to Mr. Cowell." A random manager said.

"No, I will because he's being disrespectful to MY GIRLFRIEND!" He raised his voice.

"Ok, Niall. You and BROOKE must breakup. End of." He said smugly.

"OH HELL NO. GET YOUR ASS BACK IN THAT CHAIR!" Niall told Simon as he was, once again, about to get up.

"MR. HORAN," Simon raised his voice. "You will NOT talk me like that!"

"Actually, Simon, this is the United States of America. And we kinda have the freedom of speech-" Simon cut me off with a slap to the face.

"SHUT UP, YOU BITCH!" He screamed at me and pushed me back into my seat, which hit the wall with his force.

I could feel the sting lingering on my skin and a pounding in the back of my head from where my head hit the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Niall screamed and pounced onto Simon.

The last thing I saw was Niall and Simon wrestling before I could see nothing.

Liam's P.O.V.

After Brooke and Niall left the hotel, we all just watched T.V.

"Nope. Stupid. Why is this even a show? Oh my God, no. Never in a million years." Harry said as he flipped through the channels.

"BREAKING NEWS!" Flashed onto the screen of the television.

"WAIT!" I yelled before Harry changed it.

"Breaking news, a fight broke at Star Studios between the famous Niall Horan, from One Direction, and X-Factor judge Simon Cowell. We now bring to you, live coverage from the scene." A host says on some news show.

"Holy. Shit." Was the only I could say, everyone else with wide eyes, not knowing how to react.

"An ambulance has just left with Niall Horan and his girlfriend. We have no information on their conditions but we do know that Mr. Cowell does in fact have a broken nose and dislocated shoulder." A reported stated and we were all already sprinting out the doors.

Brooke and Niall sitting in a treeWhere stories live. Discover now